Le Mans | 2000 – 2009 | DVD | Box Set

Available in a complete ten DVD collection for the first time – each official review of the 24 Hours of Le Mans from the first decade of the 21st Century.


Sold By: Motor Sport Magazine


Covering the years of Audi’s rise to dominance, with the added interest of Bentley’s one-off win, Peugeot’s return and the continuing success of the GT classes, these DVDs are a vivid record of an important era in Le Mans history.

After the unsettled decade following the end of Group C and the flight of teams and manufacturers to Formula One, the 2000s saw the return of a more consistent set of rules, ever-improving entries of prototypes and GT racers and growing crowds of fans watching the most exciting and prestigious endurance race on the planet.

Ten years of intense focus and teamwork paid off for Audi; they started the decade with no wins to their credit and by the end of 2009 there had been only two years in which an Audi had not crossed the line first.

Peugeot’s 908 HDi FAP restored a little battered Gallic pride in ’09 and Bentley’s historic win in 2003 was accomplished with a prototype originally built and raced to Audi’s specification, and powered by a modified Audi R8 V8 unit!

That’s not to say the years covered in these reviews were in any way predictable or dull. Far from it. The 2000s saw a revitalised Le Mans going from strength to strength with new cars and pioneering technologies making for great interest for tech fans, whilst Tom Kristensen, Alan McNish, Emmanuele Pirro, Frank Biela and others gave stirring performances from the driving seat – and gave fans of statistics plenty to mull over with their record-setting performances.

All-in-all this is a stunning record of an historic and memorable epoch of endurance racing which laid a firm foundation stone for today’s breath-taking racing. You won’t regret giving this box set a bit of shelf space!


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