Watch: A Lola around Daytona

Daytona Classic Lola T76 Dickie Meaden

With the Daytona 24 Hours next week, here’s an onboard video of a Lola around Daytona. Headphones on…

Daytona Classic Lola T76 Dickie Meaden

Deafeningly loud and furiously fast, this video of Dickie Meaden driving a Lola T76 around Daytona should get you in the mood for next week’s 24-hour race.

Meaden drove the Lola at the 2018 Daytona Classic 24 Hour, and the onboard video captures just how incredible the T76.

He documented the drive in ‘American Scream’, available on our Archive.

It’s a wild feeling to power up towards the rim of this vast tarmac saucer, punching through the gears until you’ve got no more to throw at it,” wrote Dickie.

“Speed and g force ramp up quickly, as does the sensation of being tilted steeply to the left. What remains of NASCAR 2 isn’t sufficient to get the full impression of speed, but as the banking flattens you really do fire out onto the Back Stretch and the run towards the Bus Stop chicane that punctuates the Tri-Oval for the Classic 24, just as it does for the modern Rolex 24.”

That should get you excited for the race, beginning on January 26. 

Read more: American Scream



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