Twelve questions for Anthony Davidson


How’s the season going so far?

It’s really been a difficult season so far for car #5. We should have won two races by now, Spa and Le Mans. And with that we probably would be leading the championship. It’s easy to look at it negatively but actually now we’re in a position where we can focus on every race without pressure. Every race is a new opportunity and I’ll be happy if we could just win one race. Not to show everybody else; just for my own satisfaction, especially after the frustrating season last year. I’m just missing being on the podium. It’s very weird, in 2014 it was kind of a given to be at the podium and now I’m really dreaming about it. So it hurts every race when you’re not at the top; it hurts even more when you should have even on top as in Spa and Le Mans.

High point?

Actually, weirdly, it’s still Le Mans – leading and almost winning. I personally drove very well and the whole team did an amazing job; the performance we put in was completely exceptional. Then the low point of the season came at the end, obviously.

Who (other than yourself!) is driving particularly well at the moment?

All of us are doing a very good job, but the #1 Porsche drivers – Mark Webber, Brendon Hartley and Timo Bernhard – are doing a great job.

Where would you like to take the World Endurance Championship if you could race anywhere?

South Africa, Johannesburg would be cool. Imola is an amazing track as well.

Describe the challenge of Le Mans in three words.

Enduring, historic, magical.

One car (other than the one you’re currently driving), one circuit – what would you choose?

Suzuka with the 2017 F1 car.

Your favourite race?

Difficult, there were so many – I would probably say my home Grand Prix in 2007.

The worst car you’ve driven on the road and on track?

Vauxhall Nova (the really old one), which I was also driving around the track at Silverstone!

What do you still want to achieve that you haven’t yet?

Winning Le Mans.

The best advice you’ve been given?

Take care of the present and the future will take care of itself.

What would you be if you weren’t a professional driver?

I have really no idea… Probably considering my height a professional jockey!

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