Readers' evening with McNish and Kristensen


Motor Sport is hosting an exclusive readers’ evening with Audi heroes Tom Kristensen, Allan McNish, number one engineer Howden ‘H’ Haynes and the first female engineer to win Le Mans, Leena Gade. Don’t miss out on this one-off UK screening of the documentary Truth in 24 (scroll to the bottom to see the trailer) with the 2008 Le Mans-winning team at the Audi quattro rooms on Saturday October 8, 2011.


Following on from our successful Senna film evening Motor Sport is offering readers the chance to attend another special event, this time in association with Audi UK, following the Audi factory team as it chases the ultimate prize in sports car racing in the thrilling documentary, Truth in 24. You will then have a chance to put questions to Audi team members Tom Kristensen, Allan McNish, Howden ‘H’ Haynes and Leena Gade. Also taking part in the exclusive Q&A session will be Motor Sport Editor-in-Chief Nigel Roebuck and Editor Damien Smith.

Tom Kristensen and Allan McNish

The event will take place in the chic Audi quattro rooms on Saturday October 8, from 7-11pm. On arrival there will be a drinks and canapés reception as well as the chance to tour rooms containing Audi competition cars past and present. A short film from this year’s Le Mans will also be shown. All who attend will be entered into a free prize draw to win tickets to the 2012 Motor Sport Hall of Fame and the winner will be announced on the night (please click here for full terms and conditions).

Don’t miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity – call Motor Sport magazine on 020 7349 8472 for details and to book your ticket or email for more information. Click here for directions to the Audi Quattro Rooms

Subscribers: £125 (14% off standard ticket price)
Readers: £145 (both prices inclusive of VAT)

This offer closes on Monday September 26. All participants must be 18 or over. Any cancellations before Friday September 30 will be refunded; thereafter there will be no refund. If you subscribe before purchasing the ticket or at the same time you will be eligible for the 14% subscriber discount.




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