Watch: The day Mike Hawthorn died

Mike Hawthorn

View original and moving news footage reporting Mike Hawthorn’s untimely death 60 years ago

Mike Hawthorn

The 60th anniversary of the death of Britain’s first Formula 1 world champion Mike Hawthorn is this month. And you can watch incredible, emotional British Pathé newsreel on the tragedy.

On January 22, 1959, Hawthorn lost control of his Jaguar while driving on the A3 road near Guildford and died in the resultant accident. He was just 29 and it was a mere three months on from Hawthorn claiming his world title and then immediately retiring from racing. 

There is a special cover feature paying tribute to Hawthorn in this month’s edition of Motor Sport magazine.

The Pathé reel features evocative shots of Hawthorn just 60 hours before his fatal accident being honoured at a National Sporting Club dinner, including him being presented with a cocktail cabinet which he received with his usual wit and grace.

As well as images of the accident’s aftermath the reel also includes footage of Hawthorn spinning his Ferrari at Silverstone on the way to fifth place in the 1953 British Grand Prix, as well as of Hawthorn’s Le Mans victory in the tragic 1955 race.


February 2019 issue, Motor Sport magazine

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