Gallery: Best pictures from 2022 F1 testing


The best pictures from the Spanish F1 test ahead of the new campaign


The chasing Mercedes and Williams are able to keep in touch with the Alfa

Rudy Carezzevoli/Getty Images


The first test/shakedown of the new Formula 1 era is in the books and Mercedes headed the timesheets in a 1-2, with Red Bull 3-4.

We’ll have to wait to see if that reflects a continuation of the competitive order, but three days of running at the Circuit de Barcelona Catalunya was the first chance to get a glimpse of the new 2022 cars in action, and we have been pleasantly surprised with the level of differentiation between designs.

Earlier fears indicated that cars would be similar due to restrictive regulations but that has not transpired.

Here are some of the best images out of the first F1 test of the season.