Watch: how the Martini livery was designed

Motorsport Videos & Video News

Watch how Paolo D’Alessio designed the Martini-liveried Lancia Delta, the Alfa Romeo 155 GTA and the Ford Escort WRC

In the latest issue, we meet the man behind one of the racing world’s most famous liveries. 

It began with a blank sheet of paper,” says Paolo D’Alessio, describing his iconic design. It seems a logical starting point, especially when the car in question was the Lancia Delta Integrale, successor to the Lancia 037 and the Group B Delta S4: a copy and paste job was clearly inappropriate.

“This is a small, short car,” he says. “Martini motor sport boss Giorgio Pianta actually wanted something like the Porsches that competed at Le Mans in the 1970s, but they’re two different types of car. I thought about this problem, and the only way to resolve this problem was to change everything.”

For more, pick up a copy of the latest magazine (this video has no sound)



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