MIA engineering courses open for students


The Motorsport Industry Association’s School of Race Mechanics and School of Race Engineering return in November, two important programmes that develop the engineers of the future.

Introduced in 2010 with the backing of motor sport companies and teams, the School of Race Engineering is unique. It provides hands-on experience and knowledge not easily found elsewhere, putting the students in a real-world environment based at Sahara Force India and Base Performance across two weekends..

Leena Gade, who masterminded Audi’s LMP1 success from the pitwall for so many years, will this year be attending to offer first-hand advice along with other experienced professionals from across the industry.

The new School of Race Mechanics, meanwhile, will take place at Donington Park for 10 weekends from November 19. As with the School of Race Engineering, it’s hands-on – practical takes place in the Donington Park pit garages with the theory lessons in the media suites above. Jobs are seemingly on offer on completion, too: the participating teams offer a work placement for the coming race season to selected students.

For more details, visit www.schoolofraceengineering.co.uk and www.schoolofracemechanics.co.uk.

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