Motor sport remembers Queen Elizabeth II

Drivers and crowds paid tribute to Queen Elizabeth II at the weekend's Goodwood Revival, ahead of the state funeral

Goodwood Revival crowds observe a minutes silence in memory of Queen Elizabeth II

Goodwood Revival falls silent in memory of Queen Elizabeth II

PA via Goodwood

Thousands of spectators joined leading figures from motor racing in paying tribute to Queen Elizabeth II at last weekend’s Goodwood Revival.

The motor circuit, where flags were flown at half-mast, fell silent on each of the three days of the event, marked by a gun salute in honour of Her Majesty.

Officials wore black armbands and many cars carried the EIIR royal initials.

Derek Bell was one of several drivers in action whose achievements on track were recognised by the late Queen. She awarded him the MBE at Buckingham Palace in 1987.

“She said, ‘I hear you race fast cars fast’,” recalled the five-time Le Mans winner at the Revival. “I said, ‘Yes Ma’am, but not down the Mall!”

Duke of Richmond speaks ahead of a minutes silence for Queen Elizabeth II

The Duke of Richmond pays tribute to the Queen

PA via Goodwood

Bell said that the 1952 Coronation was the first thing that he had watched on TV. “Dad went out to buy a big projection TV and we watched it in black and white.

“I couldn’t have dreamed that she would one day be awarding me the MBE. She has done so much for Britain, and it is lovely that she is being remembered here.”

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Bell and the Queen were among the guests at the Royal Automobile Club in 2019 to celebrate Sir Jackie Stewart’s 80th birthday.

The three-time Formula 1 champion was also at the Revival and paid tribute to a Queen that he also counted as a friend.

“She had an aura, said Sir Jackie. “And it’s not one that was put on. She was very modest and terrific with people. “It is a huge loss of a great, great lady and I fear we’ll never see her like again.”

Goodwood Revival spectators watcha. video of Wueen Elizabeth II at the racecourse

Revival crowd watches footage of the Queen at Goodwood

PA via Goodwood

A short sequence of the Queen’s appearances at Goodwood – for the horse racing — was shown to the crowd during the weekend. The Estate’s owner, the Duke of Richmond, addressed the grid before the first race of the event on Friday.

“As we gather on this glorious evening to enjoy the sport we all love, it is tinged with great sadness following the death last week of her majesty the Queen,” he said. “Her life and reign are impossible to put into words. Her impact on the world too great to quantify. Her grace, constancy and selfless devotion are an inspiration to us all.”