Virgin gets McLaren tech help


Virgin gets McLaren tech help

Marussia Virgin has established a technical partnership with McLaren after splitting with Nick Wirth following the Monaco Grand Prix. The team’s original business model was built around its relationship with Wirth and his WRT design concern, and to ease its planned transition to having

a single independent base it has bought the WRT facility in Banbury.

The developments are a direct result of a thorough review of the team by its consultant, Pat Symonds.

The McLaren deal is logical given that Virgin’s links with the team extend back to Manor Motorsport, which runs the Virgin Fl outfit and ran Lewis Hamilton in Formula Renault in 2002.

Virgin will use McLaren facilities such as the simulator, test rigs and wind tunnel, and will also receive technical assistance within the scope of the Concorde Agreement.

McLaren already has a similar relationship with Force India, and while there is some crossover, that deal involves the supply of gearboxes and the Silverstone team has its own wind tunnel.