Delta Wing ‘will still race’


Delta Wing designer Ben Bowlby could not hide his unhappiness about the IndyCar Series’ decision to go with a new Dallara for 2012-15. “We’re deeply and bitterly disappointed,” said Bowlby. “An enormous amount of work has gone into the Delta Wing with a lot of people working their hearts out to put together a really credible option for the future, and I believe the Delta Wing was still the option that was environmentally correct.

“Chip [Ganassi] put the Delta Wing concept together to get the process moving and we certainly did that. We wanted to get costs down and we achieved that too. We also wanted to get the cars built in Indianapolis.”

Bowlby believes the Delta Wing will surface elsewhere in racing. “The concept is too good to put aside,” he said. “The genie is out of the bottle and we feel it has the environmental and auto industry relevance, not just in lip service but in reality. We will regroup and work out how we get the car on the track. We’ll have to see what the investors in Delta Wing want to do.”