Heady days of life before speed limits


Triumph fans will enjoy the latest offering from Haynes, Triumph TR by Bill Piggott (ISBN 1 85960 997 X, £19.99), about all that range, from TR2 up to the TR7 and V8.

Piggott includes racing and trials, plus press comments from Blunsden, Bolster, Grant, Ludvigsen, Robson, Richardson and me. I am credited with Motor Sport‘s “authoritative and hard-hitting reports, much feared by manufacturers”. I do know that we were associated with being partially responsible for the failure of one sportscar company and that BMC withheld test cars for a while after Jenks had said what he thought of the Austin A90 Atlantic.

I remember, pre-speed limits, seeing the speedo needle of a TR touch 120mph on the straight stretch of the A44 just below the house in which I live. So this comprehensive book brought back fond memories.