Half-pints reach half-century


The 50th anniversary of the VSCC Light Car & Edwardian Section, having been deflected from its correct date by the foot-and-mouth outbreak, even unto the compact Welsh town of Llandrindod Wells, Arthur Jeddere-Fisher, its first secretary, reorganised the event in Mid-Bucks.

So on June 30 a fine assembly of light cars assembled at Twyford, their occupants due to do a country run after a buffet lunch, in between which Arthur had found some 1951 members for a photocall.

I was taken there in style by Roger Collings in a quick, quiet and impressive Ford Mondeo 2.5 Zetec.

All about were appropriate cars Arthur’s 11.9 Lagonda, owned since the section was born, an earlier bullnose, a baby Lagonda, a Diffey Humber Eight, four immaculate Trojans, a four-cylinder Chater-Lea, a recently refurbished 1927 A7 Saloon and Barker’s Peugeot Quad, recently retrimmed, which came on a trailer.

Hamish Moffatt was sending hourly reports, it was said, as to assembly progress on his famous 11.9 Lagonda, but it did not appear.

Edwardianism was represented by a big Cadillac, a fine Star tourer, Marcia Jeddere-Fisher’s Lancia Theta coupe, and a most delectable Napier tourer which in its day must have had Silver Ghosts silently sliding away in deep contemplation.

Tony Jones was present, with the actual A7 Chummy which he somehow persuaded Sam Clutton (then of the VSCC Committee, who was not sure about having a Section for light cars so that winning his good opinion was essential) to drive in a trial, after which Sam relented.

Sunday was occupied with more gentle motoring, the Section’s formation in 1951 well remembered by Frank Lockhart, ‘Steady’ Barker, Bert Butlin, Graeme Naish and Arthur Jeddere-Fisher, all members in 1951.

Sixty-five competitors, some sharing cars, turned up, of whom Mary Marsh’s 1927 A7 won the Saturday event. Kent Robinson (1920 Rover 8), Penelope Cawley (1921 GN) and Diana Warren (1921 Humber) gained First Class Awards.

On the Sunday Short run Peter Mill (1924 Humber) won a First Class award, Deborah Evans (1923 Cluley) and Michael Jones (1930 Morris) Seconds, and Diana Warren secured a Third.

The long route saw Jeddere-Fisher’s Lancia Theta win outright, Marcia Fisher navigating, and David Rouse (1929 Singer Junior) took the Lady Rachel Trophy.