Miscellany, September 2001


On the one-make club magazine front, the Singer OC has a Golden Jubilee issue with very good coverage of all that has happened to it from 1951 to 2001. And in the Summer issue of the Morris Register Journal, Harry Edwards has another of his carefully-researched articles, this time on proprietary radiator mascots of the vintage years, with 51 drawings of the nude ladies, comic characters and lucky plaques, etc which you could put on your cars. If you want to read this you will presumably have to buy a Singer or Morris and join the clubs.

Eire Post has issued some fine commemorative stamps, including four motoring ones, to celebrate the centenary of the Royal Irish AC. They depict in colour an F1 Jordan, Caracciola in the Irish GP in a Mercedes-Benz SSK, Rosemary Smith’s Tulip Rally-winning Hillman Imp and Paddy Hopkirk’s Monte Carlo Rally-winning Mini-Cooper S. We commend this recognition of motoring sport; there is an intelligent book about ordering sets of these and other stamps; apply to the Philatelic Bureau, PO Box 1991, GPO, Dublin, Ireland (Tel: 01705 7400).

Graham Chambers’ Next Historic A7 Triple Challenge is at Lydden Hill on September 16. Entries are £,100 per race but refunds will be made to competitors who have competed at three events. Sponsorship has been obtained from Phoenix Crankshafts. It is intended that the cars conform to the traditional kind of A7 buttoned engines are allowed. I am rather sorry that 19in wheels are not stipulated, but like the idea of the Chiltern Chassis Award being for best-placed ‘upright radiator’ cars. Graham’s number is 01227 831102.