Mira-culous Argyll



I read with interest WB’s article regarding the Excelsior and the Argyll cars in your July issue. Here at the Motoring Heritage Centre in Scotland we display Scotland’s motoring past and Argyll figures prominently. We exhibit a ‘Bob Henderson Argyll’ and also have a 1920s and 1919 Argyll.

The Museum is situated in the old Argyll Works at Alexandria, near Loch Lomond. It was at the time, in 1906, the largest motor works in the world. It is a magnificent A-listed building.

At least three ‘modern’ Argylls are still in existence; ours is the prototype. Produced for racing, it was eventually the model used by MIRA for crash testing; damage was restricted to only a few inches to the front of the body such was the design’s strength. This model has a Rover V8 fitted. To bring our cars alive we try to display them with original archive film material. The Argyll is shown on its launch day, as reported by Scottish TV.

The original Argyll Company had themselves a long history of competition successes.

Our Museum is open seven days a week.

I am,Yours etc,

Tim Aymes, Motoring Heritage Centre Loch Lomond, Scotland