V-to-C Miscellany, September 1995, September 1995


Last month we referred to most of the Club journals but one that most certainly should not be overlooked is the informative Journal of the Morris Register, so ably edited by Harry Edwards. The Summer number (Vol 14, No 10, to emphasise its longevity), contained pictorial coverage of the Register’s London-Brighton Run, some childhood motoring memories, and the situation in the Channel Island during WW2 (illustrations of headlamp masks, a 1931 R-R armoured-car, blacked-out traffic-lights, etc). The age range for cars venturing on this year’s 1,600-mile LEJOG run has been extended to 1978, divided into many classes. Pre-war cars get a £40 rebate on the £795 full entry fee. The date is December 2/6 and entry forms are available now, from The Town House, Leigh, Worcester WR6 5LA. W B