Birthday drive


Growing old hath no fears, they say, but it has for me, sometimes. So hark to Stanley Sedgewick, the popular Patron of the Bentley DC, who, ten days before he was 80, gave himself a personal birthday-present, driving solo in his Turbo-R Bentley from his house in Cobham, Surrey, to Dover Hoverport in 70 minutes, then from Calais to the Casino in Monte Carlo in 11h 55m, an average speed of 67.53 mph, or, deducting four stops totalling two hours, a driving average of 81.15 mph, coast-to-coast. He continued to Eze, the day’s mileage 900.3. The BDC later gave him a great lunch party at Brooklands. So here is one driver who refuses to age. . . Warm congratulations! W B