Prejudiced view?


I felt deeply insulted after reading the article “A Second Look” (Motor Sport, July 1989). DSJ is in my opinion expressing a typical prejudiced view, based on the misconception that people with only one eye are half-blind. In fact the loss is only about 10-20″, at the most, off the 180″ that covers the periphery vision.

The idea that a one-eyed person sees like one of the film or television cameras attached to a racing car is utterly ridiculous. I myself have only one eye, and have raced and won in the Isle of Man TT races, and can assure you that one needs more than a standard camera angle’s narrow view of the road in order to compete. The reason I am so angry is that, if these sort of remarks are left unchallenged, decisions of people controlling motorsport will be made with that sort of ill-informed reasoning in mind. As one needs a medical certificate to compete even at club level these days, people like myself may end up being refused a licence before they even have a chance to show their abilities. If 100, perfect vision is necessary to race, how can racing be permitted in conditions such as rain, and in my experience, fog and snow?
A M Rogers, Teddington, Middlesex