


Over the past 18 months I have read of proposals for new technical regulations for Group C racing with a sense of increasing frustration and despair.

It appears that FISA, or perhaps only its President J-M Balestre, is determined to introduce rules which are unacceptable to the majority of current entrants, engine- and car-manufacturers. Proposals agreed by the leading manufacturers, which would allow a variety of engine types including production motors, have been rejected out of hand because they do not conform to FISA 3.5-litre atmospheric engine rules.

Since the late Sixties I have enjoyed watching sports-car racing in its various guises. I do not want to see it become a second division of Formula One. The high standards of design, development and preparation set by teams such as Porsche AG, TWR Jaguar, Sauber-Mercedes and Spice warrant a premier formula with pit-stops, driver-changes and longer races at the challenging circuits Formula One refuses to visit.

What can I, and the many thousands of fans of sports-car racing in the UK and elsewhere, do to prevent this dictatorship ruining our sport? Is there some way to support the manufacturers’ representatives to ensure their proposals are accepted?

Ian Mackay

Sheffield, South Yorkshire