The Illustrated History Of Albion Vehicles


The Illustrated History Of Albion Vehicles

by Nick Baldwin. 152pp. 11″ x 8″. (Haynes Publishing Group, Sparkford, Yeovil, Somserset BA22 7JJ. £9.95).

This book is devoted largely to commercial vehicles and buses, but it takes in all forms of Albions, and that means pictures of some of the cars. In any case, everyone who studies with relish the old transport days will enjoy it.

The picture on the dust-jacket is redolent of The Roads of the 1920s, but was probably taken rather earlier; it is repeated in the book, along with excellent studies of diverse Albions from 1900 onwards; until the company was taken over by Leyland, having itself earlier absorbed Halley. Grand browsing!

The Haynes series also covers Leyland, Dennis and Ford, and we are told other make-histories are in the pipeline. WB