Miniatures News, September 1984


Royle Cars Ltd have brought out a half-full-size Chummy Austin 7, propelled by an electric motor. One supposes that the kids won’t know that the original A7 did not have a fibre-glass body or a bulb horn. But the very wealthy parents who would have to spend £1,500 on one will, and may hesitate when they realise that you can have a real Chummy A7 for not much more than twice the price, which the off-spring will one day be ready for anyway. For those who cannot resist working miniatures, however, the address to apply to is: The Old School, Staindrop, Darlington, Co Durham.

We have now received our Kellog’s Model-A Ford van, referred to last month. The radiator and proportions of the box-body are realistic enough, although the “windows” in the van doors might be larger, What spoils the thing is the radiator is placed well behind the front axle, more suited to a Frazer Nash than to a Ford! — W.B.