Historic Video


THE enterprising Tonbridge firm, Action Video, went to the recent AMOC St. John Horsfall meeting at Silverstone to record the day’s events. The results of their labours can be seen on a 45 minute video tape which includes paddock interviews as well as good filming of some of the races. The commentary is aimed at the general interest viewer, rather than the specialist, but is reasonably informed and 95% accurate, although why Woodcote changed during the programme to Woolacott and Woolcott is not quite clear.

The races covered are the third round of the Lloyds and Scottish Historic Car Championship, the fourth round of the Atlantic Computers Historic GT Championship, the fourth round of the AMOC Thoroughbred Sports Championship and the final race of the day, an allcomers’ medley, which was won from the back of the grid, despite a ten second penalty, by a McLaren M1.

The video costs £34.50 including VAT and passage and is available direct from Action Video at 62 Priory Road, Tonbridge, Kent. Tel.: Tonbridge (0732) 352775.