The M.o.T. Test
I have read a number of readers’ comments recently with regard to the revised MoT test and must admit to having been sceptical in some cases. My recent experience, however, has changed my views.
Fellow motoring enthusiasts might be interested to know that my 1972 Hillman Avenger failed the MoT test only because of small cracks in the two rear plastic indicator covers. They were slight cracks, not holes, and did not allow dirt to enter the lighting assemblies which functioned perfectly normally.
The irony of this bureaucratic pettiness is that the money I have now spent on replacing the light covers has prevented my intended purchase of a replacement tyre for my badly worn spare. My car is therefore potentially more dangerous than it would otherwise have been.
Other Avenger owners will appreciate that the cover for indicator, rear, brake, reversing and reflector lights is an integral unit and relatively expensive as a result. One cannot help wondering whether car manufacturers helped to formulate the new MoT test “rules” since in my case they are the sole beneficiaries of this ridiculous replacement.
One further point, can anyone provide a detailed schedule for the new moT test so that problems of this type can be anticipated?
Norwich N. J. FULLER