Well Supported


Over the years I have participated in many sports and have found, as I am sure have many others, the need for various support aids to make the body comfortable-corsets for scrambling, boxes for cricket etc.

As a motoring enthusiast I have always found Michelin products of excellent quality – for instance they transformed my Range-Rover – hence my delight in reading your March issue with the report on J.W.’s visit to their UK headquarters.

Imagine the pleasure this report brought me when I read on page 31 I that Michelin now make a device that provides “tangenital support stretching up the sidewall”.

Unfortunately my local sport shop does not carry this new form of athletic supporter and hence I write in the hope you can persuade Michelin to send me one by post.

Yours in mirth – and keep ’em coming.

Caracas, Venezuela S. GOSS

P.S. Tangent/Tangential