Itala Trophy



In reply to Mr. John A. Chatwin’s letter about this year’s Itala and Napier Trophies race, the Bentley-Napier was not creating a precedent by being a car accepted for this race which was made up in more recent years from vintage parts – it just happens to be more conspicuous than the others.

Vintage (and Edwardian!) racing cars are in short supply, and provided cars such as the Bentley-Napier are constructed in the spirit of the VSCC Eligibility Rules and have been accepted by the Committee, they help to make up a field of racing cars as opposed to sports cars, which are more plentiful. As I think Mr. Chatwin would agree, the Bentley-Napier’s main crime seems to be that it is so successful!


Peter Hull, Secretary,

The Vintage Sports-Car Club.