A Date to Remember


September 13th, at Thruxton, sees the last of this year’s V.S.C.C. race meetings and the final round of the 1969 Motor Sport Brooklands Memorial Trophy Contest. Racing will cover the Spero and Voiturette Trophies race from scratch over eight laps, for the smaller vintage and p.v.t. cars (up to 750 c.c. unblown, up to 1,100 c.c. supercharged), in which Barry Clarke’s 747 c.c. Ulster Austin can be expected to challenge the 1,100s in spite of being unblown, a four-lap Edwardian race, the amusing race for vintage light cars, over the same distance, a 10-lap Allcomers’ Scratch Race for the really quick machinery, an eight-lap John Holland Trophy race, from scratch, for vintage racing cars and a number of four-lap handicaps. In other words, the usual excellent V.S.C.C. fare, over a circuit which is well suited to the kind of cars they foster. It is near Andover in Hampshire and racing will commence at 1 p.m., preceded, it is hoped, by one of those splendid displays of aerobatics by Sqd.-Ldr. “Manx” Kelly in the Hon. Patrick Lindsay’s Morane Saulnier monoplane. Admission costs 7s. 6d. per person, a Paddock transfer 5s., car parking being free. Advance booking facilities are available to B.A.R.C., Brooklands Society and V.S.C.C. members which show a saving in price and admission to all enclosures, Paddock and clubhouse. Application forms are available on application to the appropriate club. These facilities close on September 10th.

This finale to a fine vintage racing year should not be missed, especially as all the usual well-known pre-war and historic racing cars are likely to be extended again.