Police Driving Methods



I wonder if we could hear from P/C Donald Gray of Bristol, who some months ago expounded the theory that only police drivers could drive fast safely, regarding the accident on the M1 whereby four expensive police cars were written off because the drivers, in good visibility, ignored warning signs of an obstruction which had existed for several weeks?

I note that no action is contemplated against the drivers, which is surprising in view of the Police Authorities’ hysterical outburst about madmen drivers when a similar shunt occurred in bad visibility a few months ago. This resulted in about 30 prosecutions.

Before the 70 mph limit was imposed I used to do about two trips a week along the M1 at rather over 100 mph where possible without involving anyone or myself in mishaps, and this reinforces my opinion that one can learn almost as much in 35 years of intelligent motoring as from six weeks at a Police Driving College.


[Name and address supplied – Ed.]