Odds and ends


—The Secretary of the H.C.V.C. has acquired a 1915 Y-type Daimler solid-tyred lorry found in good condition on a farm at Upminster. In conjunction with the Finals of the Lorry Driver of the Year Competition at Bramcote, Nuneaton, Warwicks, on September 12th, the H.C.V.C. is holding driving-tests for historic commercial vehicles. A complete aeroplane hangar is available in case of bad weather! Another Register now has an appropriate van—the Model-T Ford Register has restored a Model-T van for official duties. A pre-1935 Midland Red single-decker ‘bus is used for taking workers to sites in the Elan Valley water works. The Vintage Austin Register has 343 members, including 61 overseas, owning between them 118 Austin 75, 165 12/45, 30 16/6s, ten 20/45, seven 20/65, six veteran Austins and ten miscellaneous cars of this make. Post-vintage Austins are admitted but number only 53 out of a total of 346 cars.

Pat Phoenix, Elsie Tanner of “Coronation Street,” is restoring a 1928 Sunbeam and has joined the S.T.D. Register. Peter Sellers is President of the Austin Ten D.C. In The Sunday Times Magazine of August 2nd a picture of one of “Joan Hunter Dunn’s” school-teacher’s cars showed this to have been an Austin 7 Swallow 2-seater. A 1924 Baughan cyclecar has been discovered at the maker’s works in Stroud.