The first vee-twin in England



I have found your article on the Phoenix and the work of Mr. Bowyer-Lowe most interesting. The very early days of the Motor Industry have a fascination all their own, largely because, I think, the original ideas of so many individual engineers led to a diversity of design that will never return. Without wishing to detract from the achievements of Mr. Bowyer-Lowe, yet in fairness to two brothers from Yorkshire, would like to bring to your attention a vee-twin engine designed and produced in 1901 by the Jowetts. As the enclosed illustration from a Jowett half-centenary publication shows, this engine was a 55º water-cooled vee-twin and appears to have had overhead inlet and side exhaust valves. Whether even this engine was the first such in England I would not like to say, but I’m sure you will agree it is worthy of mention.

Harrow Weald.
John McEvoy.