"Daily Mail" Motor Road Map of Northern England


With the publication of the Map, the Daily Mail Series now provides complete motor map coverage of England, Scotland and Wales. (Edward Stanford Ltd., 12/14, Long Acre, London, W.C.2.) It is on a scale of 4 miles to 1 inch and covers the area from the Mersey and Humber to the Scottish Border. The marking of motorways is particularly well done and the clarity of the printing of a high standard. All roads except the narrowest country tracks are shown, and also A.A. and R.A.C. boxes, principal railways and canals, civil airports, golf courses, county boundaries and car ferries.

The map is printed on both sides and is of manageable size and easy to handle. It is also designed to last for the paper is strong. The price is 5s. net.


We receive at frequent intervals mysterious cards containing various irrelevancies but ending up by telling us that you can now lubricate without oil. How? The cards say by using “DU” with P.T.F.E. What’s that? Is it the end of oil wells, sump draining and oil-millionaires? We don’t profess to know. Who does? Presumably the Glacier Metal Co. Ltd., of Alperton, Middlesex, who supplied bearings for racing cars such as Ashby’s, Rileys and Alfa Romeo pre-war and are now associated with this, to us, mysterious “DU” with P.T.F.E.