Improvements at Charterhall


Spectators will soon be able to cross to the centre of the circuit at Charterhall by means of a bridge which is being extended for this purpose. This will allow a larger number of spectators to attend meetings and further spectator facilities will be available on the farmland to the east and west, thus allowing spectators, to view from any part of the circuit. In addition a limited number of cars will be allowed to cross the track to the paddock car park and further parking facilities will be available along the straight to the east of the paddock on the grassland, i.e., between Paddock and Lodge Corner. Admission charges have been revised and are as follows: 5s. per person, 5s. extra for admission to the paddock (children half price), car parking 5s. outside circuit and 10s. inside.—E. W.


Distributors Peugeot, the sole U.K. concessionaires for all Peugeot models, operate from 127, High Street, Croydon, and provided the Peugeot 404 of which a road-test report appears elsewhere in this issue.

The import cars from the French factory at Sochaux in the extreme S.E. of France, these being railed to Paris on Peugeot’s own train. Here the cars are put onto transporters and taken by road to Le Touquet, and they are then flown by Silver City across the Channel. From Lydd they are again loaded onto transporters and driven to the Croydon depot. After pre-distribution servicing the cars are dispatched to the agency network.

Peugeot spares are drawn from Paris and brought in by Silver Cities road/air service. Distributors Peugeot have a warm regard for the service they have always received at the hands of Silver City. A spares stock order arrives in 10-14 days from date of ordering and urgent spares in a matter of 3-4 days, a stock of essential spares being held normally at Croydon to cover most eventualities. Already the volume of sales of Peugeot 404s is approaching that of the 403.