ABC of American cars


by John Dudley. 50 pp. 61/4 in by 4 in. Soft covers. “ABC of Continental Cars,” by John G Watt. 64 pp. 61/4 in by 4 in. Soft rovers. “ABC of British Roads,” by JA Hughes. 88 pp. 61/4 in by 4 in. Soft covers (Ian Allen Ltd, Hampton Court, Surrey. Each 2s 6d)

Here are three more of Ian Allen’s useful pocket-size reference books. The titles are self-explanatory and that of British Roads is to be especially recommended, for it explains in full the numbering system of our roads, how they are signposted, and why, what areas different roads serve and even has chapters on roads in retrospect, today and in the future, and there is a complete list of all A roads, divided into their nine zones, and a table of ferries in England, Scotland and Wales.

All three of those little books are well illustrated. A few errors of spelling and of omission creep in, but at the price of half-a-crown each what can you expect? They are truly fascinating books to collect and to which to refer.–WB