Club News, September 1952


We Hear

Interesting “finds” in respect of old cars continue to be reported. Thus a 1919 9.5 Standard two seater has come to light in Herefordshire, and a 1914 12/16 Sporting Sunbeam in Scotland. C. H. Peacock has another Gwynne Eight which be hopes to build up and North o’ the Border two Sunbeams have come to light, one a late-model 14/40 with a 1932 Croall fabric saloon body which was one of two surplus to the Scotsman project when that concern became defunct, the other of 1914 vintage and possibly one of the rare 12/16 Sporting Sunbeams. Sub. Lt. Foster-Hall has found yet another Gwynne Eight, a 1925 tourer, in very splendid original condition, having been used all its life by an old lady now in her 76th year. This, says Peacock, makes about 14 known survivors of this sprightly marque still with us. In Dorset some motor-cycles of 1921-24 vintage, including Royal Ruby, Coventry, Premier and a Sunbeam combination, await new homes.

The B.B.C. put on a very good feature recently about the life of Sir Henry Royce, Bt.  Lt. P. Ferry, R.A., has completed a fascinating wooden replica, 13 in. long, of a 1909 model-T Ford two-seater.

An early Cluley light car has been acting as tender-car to a Welsh race-course.

R.A.C. Trials Formula

The Competitions Committee of the Royal Automobile Club has now given full consideration to the many discussions and suggestions concerning the proposed alteration to R.A.C. Regulations for Vehicles taking part in Trials and Rallies, which were issued in 1949 and have been in force since that date. They will, of course, remain in force until at least December 31st, 1952.

The recommendations of the Competitions Committee, which has agreed to propose a new formula for vehicles taking part in trials only, must now be ratified by the Committee of the R.A.C. The Committee of the Club has had the proposals before it and has given them consideration, but still needs further technical information on the proposals before coming to a decision, and to this end they will be placed on the Committee’s agenda again at its next meeting to be held in August, after which meeting its finding will be made known to all concerned.

Since the R.A.C. has taken every possible step to ensure that any changes in regulations governing the trials of the future shall incorporate every desirable feature, it is hoped that all concerned will appreciate that the subject is being very fully investigated by the R.A.C. before issuing any future regulations.

Re-Treading and Re-Moulded Tyres:–

The R.A.C. has issued the following statement:—

“It may resolve some of the misunderstanding which at present appears current in regard to the ban upon the use of those tyres in racing and speed events, if you would point out to your readers that the present position is that the R.A.C. understands that not all such tyres automatically would be considered suitable by their manufacturers for use in racing or speed events and has asked the Retread Manufacturers’ Association to state which tyres produced under their aegis would be considered suitable and whether or not any restrictions in the use of these tyres would be recommended by the Association; such as distance of event, weight and type of car.

“The Association also were asked to suggest a suitable identity mark for such tyres as they would recommend.

“In reply, the Association stated that, in the present circumstances they agreed with a ban for racing and speed events, and asked for consideration of such use of these tyres to be shelved for the time being. However, it has been agreed that the matter will be kept before the Technical Committee of the R.A.C. so that suitable action can be taken in the light of any future developments.”

[This surprises us. The R.A.C. was considering removing the ban on retreaded tyres for certain events and now it is the R.M.A. which has securely tied its hands, at all events for the time being. The retread ban not only appreciably puts up the cost of club cornpetition motoring, but prevents the sale of retreads to a section of the public which would otherwise be quite prolific purchasers. So one would have expected the R.M.A. to have welcomed the R.A.C.’s desire to ease the ban.—Ed.]