Reports of Recent Events, September 1951


Reports of Recent Events

XIV ALPINE RALLY (July 13th-2Ist)

ALPINE CUPS (NO MARKS Losr) F. Landon (750-e.c. Renault) ; B. Angelvin (1,100e.c. Simea) ; J. A. Gott and U. W. Gillespie ( t,s(10-ex, ft,11.().): 11. Intif and K. Wintertauten: (2-litre Frazer-Nash); le. Pinch (2-iitre

Lancia) ; NVistlan and Mrs. Witstom (2)litre Ashne Martin); E. WailSworth net c. oorhishley (2)-111re Healey); 1. Appleyard and MN. Appleyard 3).litre XK 120 Jaguar); littInsrentinger and Horning (3 i-litre X K 1.2o jaguar); .A. U. Imhof and R. W. I(eliertson (5).litre A Ilatd(!atlitlac).


BEsT l’EAM AND BEST NON-FRENCH TEAM : Japers (Appleyard, Habisreutinger and Soler).

IlEsT PRENC11 TEAM: PanhardS (Stentneit, Gerakts anti Legre). CLASS RESULTS

750 : 1st., F. Landob (Renault), points,• 2nd, It. Stempert (Pm:hard), 6 points ; 3rd, A. Getakis (Paohard), 130 points, 32.6 see.; 4th, H. Legro (Panhard), 1:10 points. 35.2 see. 1,100 c.c.: 1st, hi. Angeivin (tiimea), points. 1,500 o.e. ; 1st, J. A. Gott and G V. Gillespie

(11.11,,(4.), points; 2ii,I. W. Shepherd and J. It. Williamson (FIRM.), 130 points,• 3rd, hfachlillen and Titterington (MCI.), 130 points ; 40), E. do Reglbus (MM.), 230 points : Oth, ‘I’. Sniallhorn and 1′. I.iUierap (Jewett Javelin), 900 points, 2,000 c.C. 1st, G. Dull and E. Winterbottom (Frazer-Nash), points; 29.6 Sec.; 2nd, R. Piodi (Lane’s), points, 34,2 sec.; 3rd, F. Botea (Lancia), 40 points ; 4tb, Perring and G. Griffiths (Sunbeam-Talbot), 240 points,’ 5th, 11. O. O’Hara Moore and C. A. Leavens (Bristol), 300 points; 8th, A. A. Ro(iwenberg (Linda), 48() points,

3,000 C.C. : 1st (tie), T. B. Wiedom and Mrs. Wisdoin (Aston-Martin) and E. Wadsworth and C. Corbishley (Healey), points, 32.2 sec.; 3rd, J. N. Pearman and J. Cats (Sunbeam-Talbot), 420 points ; 4th, F. Dubout (Ford Vedette); 810 points; 6th, A. Di Stefano (Alfa-ROmeo), 900 points. .OVER 3,1100 or.: tat, I. Appleyard and Mrs. Appleyard’ (Jaguar XK 12(1), points, 29.6 see.; :Ind, A. ON Imhof and It. W, Robertson (Allard), points, 30,6 see. ; 3rd, Hablareutinger (Jaguar

• ? X K (20), points, 31.0 see.: 4th, P. Soler (Jaguar XK 120), 10 points; 6th, W. Grant (Norton) and D. Loader (Jaguar XK 120), 160 points ; 6th. II. J. Senn (Jaguar XK 120), 240 Pointe.; 7111. 11. Tielena (Delahaye), 540 points.

14 KILOMETRES ‘PINED CLIMB ON STELVIO PASS 750 0.0.: 1St, Gerakts (Panhard), 37.812 k.p.h. 1,100 c.c.: 1st, Button (Fiat), 39.391 k.p.h. 1,600 0.C.: let, Wise (Jowett Jupiter), 40.542.

2,000 c.c.: 1st, Falkinhausen (B.M.W.), 49;305 k.p.h.

3,000 CC.: 1st, Wisdom (Aston-hfartin), 44.836 k.p.h.

OVER 3,000 C.C.: 1st, Imhof (Allard), 51.168 k.p.h.

ELIMINATING TEST AT CANNES 750„Q.O. : 1st, Gemkis (Panlard), 32.6 soc.

,1,10f1 e.O. : 1st, Angelvin 35.4 sec.

1,500 0.0.: 1st, De Reign:ins (KG.), 31,8 see. 2,000 0.0.: lat, Duff (Frazer-Natd1), 29.0 see. 3,000 0.0. 1st, Wisdom (Aston-Martin) and Wads

worth (Healey), tie at, 32.2 nee. OVER 8,000 0.0.: 1st, Appleyard (Jaguar) and Grant gorten (Jaguar), tie at 29.6 SPC


This was another impeccable victory for young Michael Hawthorn in the I fr litre T.T. Riley. It was described in the last MOTOR SPORT. Result,,

1st, J. M. Hawthorn (1,496-c.c. Riley), 1 hr. 43 min. 24 sec. (78.19 m.p.h.); 2nd, R. Baird (1,496-e.c. Maserati Special), 1 hr. 45 nun. (81.28 m.p.h. ; 3rd, B. MeCalrlin (1,250-e.e. M.G.), 1 hr. 45 min. 41 sec. (68.94 M.p.h.); 4th, 0. Moore (11.W.M.). ) hr. 45 min. 46 sec. (77.16 m.p.h.) ; 5th, J. I. Flynn (1,086.e.e. M.G.) 1 hr. 48 min. 3 sec. (66.06 m.p.h.); 6th, N. dleeson (1,260-c.c. M.G.), I hr. 46 min. 22 see. (67.12 m.p.h.).

SCRATCH CLASS FORAIIILE LIBRE : 1st. Baird’ 2nd, Moore ; 3rd, J. Dickson (1,260-c,e. M.G.). Speed, 71.38 m.p.h.

SPORTS CAR CLASS: 1st, Cole : 2nd, Moore; 3rd, tie, McCaldin and C. W. E. Matuisell (H.R.G). 1.’,s’rEsr LA Ps : Baird, Sports Cars I :01e, 81.3S,

Cull TEAM PRI3E : ILA . R (Bawl horn, Moore and .1. C. Byrom).

ONE MAKE TEAM : (NUL), MeCaldin, Flynn and 1.. Cullen.


(2.c. SPORTS CARS (Five Laps): (.t. .? ‘baptism. (Lotus) ; .2iul, It. B. Pennell t Ai ,t. ) ; 3rd, I.,, west (West Special). Tinieli min. 24 sec., speed 60.57 m.p.h.

1,111)1 C.c. SPORTS C.sES : ist, R. G. Smith ; 2tel, D. A. Too,, (Riley M M.) ; ard, (1..11..Stokes (limey), 8 min, 40 ::-(11!,, 06.77 m.p.h.

1,500 ex, Srours Vass : 1st, H. H. Downing ((‘onnaught): 211(1, F. B. Wells (Riley); 3rd, It. Brown (MM.), 7 min. 51.8 see„ 72.47 m.p.h.. 25. LAPS, 500 c.c. : Is). U. 1.. Williams (ErnervSoit) ; 2nd, .1. Coombs (.1.B.S.); 3rd, NI. Beardshaw (Cooper); 41h, C. D. Headland (Cooper); 501, 3. W. Itureo:vne (I ‘roper); Ott,. It. J. Trevetliek (Treveltiek Speeial), 30 min. :37 eke. 50 LAPS FORMELE 1.111RE OVER 500 (‘.c. : tat, F. It, Gerard (E.R.A.); 2nd, J. T. Sutherland t E.R.A.) ; 3rd, A. 0. Whitehead (E.R.A.) ; 4th, (‘. J. IBtinil

001 04 loin. 30 sec., 83.37 m.p.h. 30 LAPs FoRAIELA 11 CARS: 1st, C. J. Newton (FritZer-Nash); 211(1, R. C. Willis (BM •W•L’ 3rd,

T. N. Meyer (H.W.M.); 4th, (Riley), 42-min. 22 see., $0.72 m.p.h. la LAPS ()van 2,000 0.0. SPowrit CARs 1st, F. 11. Howarth (Jaguar); 2nd, K. W. Holt (Jaguar) ; .3rd, A. P. Hitehings (Allard), 14 rein. 12 see., 80.2,=


SCRATCH RACES, 3-1.MtE : t. D. McKenzie,

53.82 m.p.h.; 2nd, R. W. Perry ; 3rd, C. G. Fineken.

44-LincE (10 FT. 10 INS.): la, D. lIalliday, 69.77 m.p.h. ; 2nd, It. W. Hoeg; 3rd. ‘J. H. Orr-Ewing. OTRER 4),LITRES: 1st, IL J. Wilmshinst, 68.89 m.p.h.; 2nd, G. G. McDonald ; 3rd, S. j. Lawrence. 36/220 AND 38/250 MEReEDEs-BENE, 4) (8.) %AND 8-LITRE BENTLEYS : 1st, 0. M. Giesler

(8-litres), 68.87 ; 2nd, C. A. Hartridge (6) Bentley); 3rd, D. A. Stern (hfcreedes).

30498. VAUXHALLS, 4I-L1TRE BENTLEYS, 3-LITRE IINBEAMS, 3LITRE BENTLEYS : Js, H. J. Wilmahurst (4)-litre), 6(1.39 m.p.h.; 2nd, 0. C• Kramer (4)-litre); 3rd, D. Halliday (4)-litre). HANDICAP RACES, .5-LITRE: 1st, J. T. Foreman, 90 m.p.h.; 2nd, L. C. McKenzie; 3rd, C. 0. 44-LITRE (10 FT. 1(). 1st, E. j. Teal, 50.20

mph.’ 2nd, D. 0, McClure.; 3rd, A. W. Eitney. 07•11ga 411-1.1Titu: 1st ‘r. W. 11oarcl, 65.48 m.p.h. ; 2nd, 3). J. It. Chapman’ 3rd, (3. C. R. Kramer. 4)(5),61AND 8-LITRES’: 1st, G. M. Crozier (3-litre), 69.V m.p.h.; 2nd, 0. A. Hartridge (6) litre); 3rd, S. H. Richardson (6)-litre).

InviTATRiN RELAY HANDICAP: 1st, Team 13 (Kramer, McKenzie, Orr-Ewing, Gregory), 5085 m.p.h.; 2nd, Team E (Pratley, Chapman. Crozier, Rohll ; 3rd, Team C (Fineken, Storr, Hogg, Powell).


Ken Wharton effectively shattered his course record, by 1.2 see., with his blown Cooper 1,000. Results : TRI1 Ting FASTEST

1St, Ken Wharton (998.e.e. Cooper sir.), 54.2 sec. ; 2nd, It. 1). I’opre (3.sou-c.e. Alfa Ronwo sic.), 56.2 see. ; 3rd, S. Logan (1,098-c.c. (ooper), 56.6 sec.: 4th, 8. IL Allard (3,600-c.e. Allard), 57.2 see.; Stb, F. Is Gallnis (3,486-c.c. 1…G.8. sic.), 69.8 see.; 6th, J. I). Poingdestre (998.e,c. Cooper), 60.4 Sec. •, 7th, L. Bend (497-e.c. Bond), 61.8 sec. ; 8th, G. L. Aspland (3,622-e.c, Landford), 61.8 see,,’ Ott,, J. Derricourt (4,16S-ex, Skinner Special), 62:8 sec. ; 10th, Ie. C. Norman (1,250-e.e. KG. sic,), 64.0 sec. RACING CARS

UP TO 1,0000.0.: .1st, K. Wharton (908-c.c. (:ooper sic.), 64.2 see.; 2nd, J. I). Peingdestre (998-e,e. Cooper), 60.4 sec.; 3rd, 1.. Bond (41)7 ‘v. 61.6 sec. 1,001 ex. to 2,000 o.C.: 1st, S. Logan (1,098-c.c. (Aooper), 59.9 sec. ; 2nd, F. C. .Nonnan (1,260-c.c. M.G. :00, 04.0 sec. ; 3rd, E. J. U. Foster (1,800c

x. V.M.S.), 07.2 see.

OVER 2,000 C.C. • 1st, R. D. Poore (3,8(10-c.8. Alfa_Romeo sic.), 66.2 sec.; 2nd, S. II. Allard (3,600c.c. Allard), 57.2 sec.; 3rd, F. Le Gentile (3,486e.e. L.O.S. a/c.), 50.8 see. SPORTS CARR

Ur TO 1,500 C.c.: 1st, J. Le Galleis (1,250-e.e. M.G.), 69.8 sec.; 2nd, ‘I’. J. Hodgskin (1,250-e.e. m 73.8 sec. ; 3rd, W. Jocelyn (1,260-c.e. M.G.),

1 0.0. T() 3,000 C.C. : 1st. C. Juste (2,448-c.o. Healey), 69.0 sec. ; 2nd, It. Varney (2,660-e.c. Austin), 74.6 see.

OVER 3,000 c.0.: let, R. 8ringrin (3,442-c.c. Jaguar), (55.8 see.; 214, A. Owen (3.442-ex. Jaguar), 67,2 see. ; 3rd, 8. G. Gilley (3,442-c.c. Jaguar), 68.6 sec.

sec. EVIAN MONT BLANC RALLY (July 27th-29th) wINNERS


OEN-KRAL CLASS1PtcATD,N Ponderoux (eltrocrt). 1,500 c.c. Guiraud (Peugeot.). 2,000 CC.: Ponderous ((.’itroen). 3,000 : I). Price

(Morgan Plus Four). Ovnit 3,000 0.0.: C. Wick (Ardun-Allard). Coups: DES Darts: Mme. de Rochefort (1)Ina-Pstillard).


D. N. Brake, after ovellurning his Cooper 500 in practice, bravely made f.t.d. in his Cooper 1,000. Results :

SPORTS, UP TO 1,300 ca’. 11/13.): 1st,, G. P. Taylor (998-c.e. MM.), 25.36 sec. ; 2nd, C. D. F. Buckler (1,172-c.e. Buehler). 25.83 see. ‘ • 3rd, M. C. Parrott (1,172-c.c. Buckler), 25,01 sec.

SPORTS, 1,300 ex. To 1.800 c.c. We. AND PP TO 1,300 c.(:. We): 1st, D. C. Pritchard (1,496-c.c. 11.11..G.), 25.17 see.; 2nd, E. M. Mackay (1,456-e.e. Cooper-Rover), 25.43 nee,; 3rd, F. L. Stark 0,172-cx, Dellow sic.), 27.82 sec.

SPosTs,.1 800 C.C. TO :3,000 C.C. WS. AND 1,301 1,01,800 cc. SM.; 1st, T. A. I). Crook (1,971-e.c. Frazer-Nash), 23.67 sec. • 2nd, W. S. Perkins (1,941-ex. 34.11.0.), 24.00’sec. ; 3rd, F. C. Davis (1,435-cx. BCD. s/c.), 26.76 acC. SPORTS, OVER 3,001 ex. Ws, AND OVER 1.801 0.0. s/c.: 1st, 6. Parker (21864-c.c. Jagnette sic.). 23.91 sec.; • 2nd, M. W. 11. Bead (3,442-cx. Jaguar), 24317 sec. ; 3rd, W. L. Cripps (6,300.c.r, (‘ripps Special), 25.)3 ti.e•

11,tetNO, PP TO liou c.c.: la; 1. Smith (497-c.c. Cooper), 23.37 ace.; 2nd, S. Lewis-Evans (500-c.c. (ooper), 23.39 See.; 3rd, P. E. Braid (497-c.c. Cooper), 23.53 sec. RAciNG, $01 C.C. TO 1,100 CC.: 1st, D. N. Brake (996-0.e. Cooper), 22.39 WC.: 2nd, C. G. Arengo (908-c.c. Arengo), 22.83 sec.; 3rd, G. V. Color (746-c.e. 31.0. 14 Speeral s/e.), 24.40 sec,

ItAcitn3, 1,101 CC. TO 2,000 c.c. : 1st, J. M. Perkins (1,990-c.c. Bugatti, slc.), 23.64 sec. ; 21:(1, C. W. A . Heyward (1,486-e.c, Nerds Special O.), 24.17 sec. ; 3rd, W. A. Taylor (1,991-e.c. Caesar Special), 24.63 see.

ItAcINO OVER 2,000 C.C.:: 1st, A. S. Raven (2,994c.c, Bugattl), 26.54 sec. ; 2nd, C. Powell (2,300-c.e. Bugatti), 28.78 sec.

No entries were received for Class 5 (cars driven by gas turbine engines).


BEST .TIME BY A VETERAN CAR: O. Oliver (1902 BERT TIM WY AN EDWARDIAN ; C. L. Glutton (1908 Nitateiral.des55)..57R7: sec:

isr ON FOREITLA F. Wolh,sm (1911 Jorennabor).

331/ 08 FORMULA : C. W. Rowe (1911 Swift).

31t1′ FoRMULA ; J. G. Seals (1914 Sunbeam). SIX FASTEST: 1st : C. L. Glutton (12.000-e.c. 1(106 Ms) 211(1: 3. G. Sears (3.215-c.c. 1914 Sunbeam) 59.5 3r,1 : C. W. P. Hampton (5,027-e.c. 1913

Bugatti) ..• ••• ••• 411, : Sir Francis Samuelson (3,216-c.c. 1914 Sunbeam) . 66.3

5th : J.R1,0′.3,Beto)lster 191.1 Rolla.” 0th: 8. B. Seam (7,411.c.e. 1911 Rolls

65.6 see. 64.0 60.8 73.1 „

DARLINGTON & D. M.C. CROFT RACES (July 28th) Fertmt I.e Liititr.: 1 ,.) IL Tyrer (11.1I.W.); 21111.V.

Fertmt I.e Liititr.: 1 ,.) IL Tyrer (11.1I.W.); 21111.V. Curtis (Allard); 3rd, 11. Flockhard (.11′ Vincent) ; .101, K. W. Dolt (Jagnar); 5th, 0. S. Roiling, (Healey); 6th, A. 1′. llitehings IA11301); 7th,

D. R. Waugh (Jaguar); stli, If. Ilarrison ((“ord 8pecial). Winner’s speed, 71.112 m.p.h. 500 c.c. : 1st, E. .1. Moor (Wasp); 2nd, R. M. lityden (.1.11.5.); 2rd, AM. Ileardshaw ((Viper) ; 4th. A NM’S(‘ (Cooper) ; (t1i, W. Wel/1)(0)01,er); I’. 1.1.11,5,), Winner’s, speed, 70.07

.1 ea. 1(1)1 Clirt is (Allar


Thi.Ksasa too drawn out meeting, because of delays between races.. but competition was keen, the racing exciting. There was a certain amount of ” tubthumping,” first to take a tin being Coe’s Itiley . Mrs. liowerd, in Peter Clark’s I &a-Francis-11..11.G., is not only easy on the eye’s, hut ditl extraordinarily well at her 1irst essay at motor racing, winning her heat and being placed twice, although she couldn’t catch Miss Williams in the astonishing Ai Stin Lotus in the Ladies’ Race. Has Peter been giving her private tuition

A Mk VII Jaguar did intieli rolling, POwell’s SSI( Merckles-Benz slid backwards at Stowe and scored two marker tins and Blakely did some rough riding in a ” I.e Mans'” II.11.G. In the Relay Handicap a V.S.C.C. Bentley licant emerged victorious, after Riley’s Healey ” Silverstone ” had scattered many marker tins and Wiltshire had held himself in his ” Ti) ” M.G. with one hand•(00c.c. dicer fashion. The big race was the Second St. John Iforsfall Trophy 10lap Handicap and although Angell’s 1936 42-litre coupe won, all eyes were. on Parnell and George Abecassis in works 1)11 Ils, And George fairly out-drove B.R.M.’s No. I driver, averaging 76.35 m.p.h. Tony Rolt went, very well, too, in another 1)11 11. Fastest speed of the day was by It. Willis’ 13.W.NI., at 87.39 m.p.h. (Inc heat was run in rain and Anthony lIeal’s 1924 G.1′. Sunbeam beat its modern rivals, being noticeably steadier and a

tine sight to boot.

The Moron SPORT race was spoilt by stupid handicapping, the little Austin Lotus being on scratch and giving Goodhew’s 4}-li1 re Lag,onda a big start. So Goodhew won front the very enterprising Margulies (Talbot) with Vessey’s Lancia Lambda third. These cars, plus Jaek Fairutan in the sleek 34-litre AbbottBentley, Mrs. Gibbs (II.B.G.) and Chapman’s Bentley are eligible to start in the equivalent race at the S.U.N.B.A.C. Meeting on September 1st. Mrs. Howerd was allowed to run, but wasn’t eligible, as she drove a racing car. Results : Bee)) I (1.1andicap in three live-lap heats -and a 20to nna0.–Hear I : 1st, P. A. Illakeiy (1,49t e•”. 11.0 d /4 2nd. Jill. ISINirrowe

Morgan); 301, T. Line (1,250-e.e. M.O. TD). Heat 2 : Q. Le S. Metcalfe (1195.c.e. FIAT); 2nd, .1. A. lias.;et. (1,375-e.e. Allard); 3rd, .1, E. Q. Eairmant;;,5110.ex.. Abbott Bentley). Had 3 : 1st (I. (1. McDonald (1,576-e.). Bentley) : 21111,

0..c. Willis (1.996-e.e. 13.M.W.): 3rd, S. J.

1.11.Wri5115-‘• (1,398 Bentley). Fiw(//: 1st, 1′. .1.

Blakely (1,490-e.e. 11.11,(1.). 07.2 mid,. 2nd.

SParnme Morgaii); 2,01, J. A.

Basset (.1,375.e.c, Allard). 11 we 2 (David Brown Challenge (‘up-RIB

Ilandlcup Relay Race)..ll’inninq Tom : V)11)21 5′ S.C.C. No. 1 team : J. IL Ballo 12,901m.e. Bentle.y), -I). J. it Chapman .398.e.c. Bentley) .T. A. Williamson (4,500-c.e. Bentley).

11.5c-3 3 (2ri.(1 ,100 Trophy-19-1ap.

handi(‘itp for Aston .1Iartins): 1st, C. Atwell (1,1)50.c.e. Coupe), 19.09 m.p.h.: .P.. Slins (1,401-c.e. Inter.); 3rd, 10, J. Beare (1,190-e.(‘. Mk. II). Kill; I 1.11a.mlieap (Itr tasat Cars in two ttPY-10.11 lwats and a tive.tan –I/eat I : tnt, Mrs, Ilowerd (1,750-e.e. 1.1.1t.1;. ripeeial); 2to1,./. Ching (IRISi’s’ Bugatti); 31,1, C, I.e :8. Metcalfe (995-e.e. 11011 2: 1st. A. S. Mal 11,987m./.. sin)] Kam) 21id, 14. (Ireenliall (2,26)-ce. Bugallt) J. It. Webb ( ,087-ce. Turner). Pima : 1st. J. Ching (1,198-eJ•. Illigatti), 62.5 m.p.h. ; 2tid, 11. Allen (7-17-c.c. Austin Lotus) ; 301,

Mrs. ‘toward 11,11.0. Special). 5 (nee.dap handicap for post-war ears).–.5. lilakely (1.1116-e.e. 11,11,6,). 67.36 151.p.11. ; 2nd. J. M. Spal’r(5‘5’45 (1,098-C.C. 3101.1-1:111) ;

3rd, .1. ( (1.190-0.c. 11.11-(i.). 1{NrIl (II Tvialt handicap for lady drivers).- 1.1, Miss (747-e.e. Anstin Lotits),

62.9 : 2nd, Mrs. Ilowerd (1,750-c.e. 11,1t.0. SO:dal); 3rd. Miss ./. node (1,074.e.e, -011•10 7 (five-lap MoTott SPoRT handieap).–Ist, .1. Goodliew (4,200m.c. La:fond:0. 07.9n 21111, 0. Margiilies (2.9714-cx. Taltad) 3rd,

J. 0. Vessey (2,17)1m.e. ‘,anent).


SPORTS 7:50 Cl:. :51,(., 1.1,vritg : ist, K. II. Downing Illealey), (15.0.1) m.p.h. ; (i4 Allen (Austin Lotus) ; 3rd, 1). I. pritehard VINTAGE SPORTS Cali HANDICAP: Isl. E. W. CuffMiller (1928 Riley Nine), 1 mill. 37 see,. 59.81 ; 2nd, D. Elwell-Smith (1028 AstonMartin). min. 14 see, ; 3rd. M. L. Quartermaine 0921-26 ” 30/98″ Vauxhall), min, 24 see, Firoirrs cmts, 11,.•1,rricr. ste., 1st, D. C. Pitt 00razer-Nnsh), 73.121.p.h. 210, B . winterbottnin (Frazer-Nash); 3rd, It. F. Peactadr ( PraZer-N ashy

750 111.C. FORMULA RACE: 14, Q. Chapman 0.01us), 53.25 m.p.h.; 2nd, I,. L. West, (West Special), 3rd, R. IL Orimsley (A list)n).

IlEAT 1, 501) 0.0. RACING CARS: 1st, 1.4-Col. P. K. Braid (Cooper-Norton), 70.19 IlIplu. ; 210. .1. D. Rabin (J.11.8.-3.A.P.); 301, J. N. Cooper (IN srper-Norton).

S.:Niters Cans t•N•life. OV1lt 3-1,rin68: 1st, S. II.

Allard (Caddlae-Allard), 73.08 ; 2m1. K. Watkins. (Allard); 3rd, L. Wood (Jaguar

? K. 120). II RAT 2.514)) c.c. ItNeLNO CARS : 1.81. P. J. Collins (.1. B.S.-Norton), 72.32 m.p.h.; 2n(I, E. Brandon (CoorNorton); 3rd, J. K. B. Brise (Cooper

/0-1,M’ RACR: lat, K. McAlpine (Connaught).

71,89 m.p.h. ; 2nd. 11arber (0ooper-1.A.P. 1,0009; 3rd, 1), 0. Pitt (Fraz(‘r-Nash).

20-1,Ae RAO:: 1st, R. 1). Poore (3.8 Alfa-Itonteo), 7(1.77 m.p.h. ; 2nd, K. McAlpine (Connaught); 3rd, E. wInterbottom (Erazer-Nnsh).

15,LAP FINAL, 50o c.c. RneiNt.; CARS; 1st, P. 4. Collin? (4..13.8…Norton), 71.38 m.p.h.; 211d. A. laams (.1.11.8.-NOrton); 301, E. Brandon (Cooixw-Norton).

840e051i 10-1,N.P RN(10: 1st. It W. :Merrick (C(ieperNorton.I.A.P.), 77.16 m.p.h. and lap record, 79,83 m.p.h.; 2nd, 0. Moore (11.W.M.); :3rd. Kit.


j. Bassett (Allard), 25.91 see. CLAss WINNFIes

1,300 C,C, A. Cleave (Nlorris Special), 28.30 see.

Liato 5I’„ 1). Seobey (11.11.1L), 26.8 see. OPEN CuAMPIONsine Itas:sett. 9.141 see.


rmoi?-?,.., II : P. Pietsell (rerltas), 8 min. 9.1 see. Voitmt LA 111 : S. Moss (Kieft), 8 min. 18.9 sec.

ALBI G.P. (August 5th)

1st : 71. Trintignant (Sinteret1ordini), 101.3 m.p.h. 211(1: 1,. Rosier (Tallad).

3rd : L. Chiron (Talbot).

Faslesi tap : Trintignunt, 103.9 m.p.h.


II EAT W INN T,1;l: (1’0p/dog): 15. I’25 dlot .1,A T.), 151.11.11, ; Loen, AVIlinelealse (Cisiper-Norton), 12.63 tn.p.h.; I. l’u’lling (Enier)’son-J.A.P.),

11.41 ; tt. Pat tntson ((‘o, iper-.1.A .P.). 5)).31 111.1,5115 ; (Open ( I). C. Eeide stone (Cooper.J.A.1’.). 19,36 ; N. (‘agil (Coinier-.1.A.P.), 5(1.1:3 m.p.h. ; .1. K.

11.’iioper-Nortoti), .19.01 til P.11. ; IL 1071111110, (Cooper-Nortini), 50.6:3 m.p.h. DA l’s’ ‘FEU:GRAFI! INTERNATRIN.II, ( II) 11111eS) 1st, W. .1. Whitehouse ((.00per Norlonl. ii0,21 ; 211d. A. Rogers (Cooper

LA. ; 3rd. N. lIsgli ft’ss,ijs’r-J.A,P,).


Hiwr(. Mt, M.G.C.C. SILVERSTONE MEETING (August 11th) ‘Ns Ens

‘Ns Ens ONK HOUR :S. A. Al itehell (PA). Six ScnnTelt UNIstameN 11-1.4•00.:8: J. C, C. Masora (Lester-MA.). SIX 1,,S1. SCRATCH RACE, UN•

LI MITE0 : (1, SIX NovieR8′ HANon•AP • .1. Nicholson (PA sly.). 25 LARS FINAL: 5.’11itchnll IPA).

CRAIGANTLET HILL CLIMB (August 11th) : S. If Mitts) (Steyr-Allard), I min. 13 see*

: S. If Mitts) (Steyr-Allard), I min. 13 see* (new reoird).

(LASs I (CP ‘1’0 1,100 C.C. 1.1/S.): 1st, It. Jennings (033-c.e. list)), 100 see.

(3,155 9 (1,1)10 c.c. To 2,000 e.e. -Cps.): 1st, W. Leeper (1,25)18..e. s5.2 see, ; 21111 , C. Maltilscil (I, tOree.e. 1(11.0.). n.5.l nil

(OVEll 2,1100 (:.r. ) ‘;s.) : 1St . U. Robb (3,917-e.e. ‘Alereury Special). $5, see. (LASs 1 01’1:): 1CP 7511 C.c.): Isl, 11. Wats(m

CiAss 01•Y.N 17111 5:5′, T55 1:5151 5%0,1: 1st. e. 111111,11Y ( I .1:48e.c. 0.1(.A./, 71.1) see.; 2nd, luta, Ntijor), 11.1221) 1)1)5 (oven ;Joel C.C.): 1,1, 8. IL Allard (1,Noom,e. Allard), 73 sec. (sle, record), IIANDICAP CLASS : 1st, N. Graham 51.172.e.e. Ford),

gros.s, 85,8 Sec. ; net, 60.8 see.