J.C.C. Mayers (Lester-M.G.) Wins "Motor Sport" Brooklands Memorial Trophy


J. C. C. Mayers (Lester-M.G.) Wins “Motor Sport” Brooklands Memorial Trophy

at Third B.A.R.C. Goodwood Members’ Meeting

Peacock and Jacobs Runners-up

1;.A.H.C. staged mad her very co,Hyalde I ‘1’1 C Members Meetat Goodwood on August. 12th. The iffegralinja a is run through most expII itiously aod !he rain held off until raciic, was over. .1. C. Miyers, a newcouter to the Sport, emunwnced the day wit It 10 points towards the Mciron Scoter Brooklands Meinorial Trophy and £31) ;Old although the engine of his LesterM.G. was down 1.000 r.p.m., he gained a second plave in the second race and retained his lead, winning the Trophy by 13 points. It. F. Peacoek (328 was second, with h 11 paints, and R. NN’. -Jacobs (M. C.) third with 11 points. Guy Gale (Darraeo) made fastest lap of the day, 78.09 m.p.h.. and won the fourth race— -he was unlucky inasmuch as there were only seven starters, so that his win was worth only two points, increasing Ids seore from xi, to 104, which also happened earlier, otherwise he would have won. ‘Ve tem ICI’ at warmest congratulatiotis to Mayers and feel sure the readers of Iltrrou Scour who sobscribed to this Trophy will be as glad as we are that it lets been W011 by a driver and car Hutt are both very mi 1ch. in the Ilrooklands tradition. I’raiSe is also due to Harry Lester for his careful preparation of the car. often wil It little time to spare after other races, lOr the three meetings at which points were

awarded. *

* Five-Lap Scratch Race, Sports Cars up to 1,100-c.c. non-s/c.

I.ester mitt, Ic a line start lait at Woodcote Corner on the first lap Jacobs and he wanted the same I dl of road and I.ester gave way. He never regained his initial advantage and lost by two seconds. Gibbs, undismayed by front wheel patter, displaced Sparrowe’s Morgan “4/4 idler a lap and held third place to the end. Lumb’s Rapier and (WI Miller’s Riley pulled in.

1st: H. W. Jacobs IM.(;.). 67.10 nii.). 2nd : Ii. I,,,oer (Lester-M.G.). (ri I,. tam), atiley?. b’astes/ tap ; .1neohs

Five-Lap Scratch Race, Sports Cars, 1,101-1,500-c.c. non-sic.

Mayers, intent on that l’rophy, fairly shot to the front as the flag fell and was soon in second place [whim! John Cooper’s M.G.-engined (1.4)oper. III practice the Cooper had suffered front more beim& than even a 10 to 1 compression ratio could cope with, but all was now well

and it won by 9.8 see., roman!, on trade plates and reaching nearly 100 m.p.h. along the straights. Mayers was handicapped by the aforementioned loss of r.p.m. Huddock displayed Nancy Itinos’ ‘Riley for third plaee after two laps, and kept there in spite of a grand scrap, Parker’s: Fraser-Nash ” Patience ” on his

tail. Cook (M.G.) Wore a wonderful perforated crash ha l, presumably to I revent hint Friuli becoming hot-headed. Downing’s Connaught non-started due to radiator trouble.

tst : Ct?oper (l’ooper). 71.7.1 m.p.h.

2r01: Mayers (Lester-M.(;.). 3rd : I. A, Ilmidock (11.11.G.).

Fusbmt lop Haddock (11.10t.), 73.20 ta.o.h.

Five-Lap Scratch Race, Sports Cars, 1,501-3,000-c.c. non-s/c.

At first one-tinw dirt-track rider. showed the-n 311 the way in his lousinessdike 11.M. W.. its headlamps turned sideways to defeat wind-drag. I owever, he ret leed :Lnd MeAlpine’s Connaught kept just, ahead of Peac’ock’s both trying hard, with Mrs. Mortimer’s Healey ” Silverstone ” splendidly behind, ousting Pycroft.s sister car front third place. Tony Crook, whose Frazer-Nash was running with narrowsection rear tyres, indulged in a fearsome slide on to the grass in front fIr t Ile Judge’s box, an episode which resulted in Tony being ealled before the Clerk of I LW Course arid, it is said. being ” kept. in ” by Sehoolmaster Morgan McAlpine won

by 2.2 seconds.

1st : K. McAlpine (Connaught), 73.-17 mph. 2nd :Ii. F. l’eavoek ( Sri : Mrs. Mortimer (1,1ealeY)

Foxtes/ /or Peacook (11.M.W.), 76.15 m.p.h.

Five-Lap Scratch Race, Sports Cars, 3,00I-c.c. and over, nonsic.

This should have been a good race but Curtis Allard, Clarkson’s Allard, Appleyard’s Alpine Trial-winning XE 120 Jaguar and Jason-henry’s I telithaye Mill-Started. robbing the race or its interest. We understand that JasonHenry’s car had an obstruction in its fuel system.

Gale walked the race, to win by 20.8 scc, in the Darraeq. Craig’s Jaguar ” 100 retired, nandlton’s old itiViVtil Went, harvesting at. Minigwilik and Goof Iltew’s magnificent ” IA Mans ” Lagonda disposed of the Kemp-Plaee 41-litre Itent ley. An interesting runner was Allen’s V12 Atalanta. 1st : 0. (:11e (parracq), 711.70

2nd : .1. ii. hew (Lagondo. :1rd : K. I:emu-Place (aenth,y). PuRtest Iutjt Oil.’ (1)arraeu). 77.95

Five-Lap Bentley Handicap

This Wilti ritee for 11.D.C. members and John Bolster handed the eommentnry

to the Club’s President, Stanley Sedgwick. Alas. Lawrence’s and Burt OICS 44-lit.reS had broken crankshafts in pract We and Pitts’ 4A-litre was reputed to have deVehq led trOlthle en /Wide. BlIt the way three 3-litres, a 3,1-litre, live 44-litres and Hartridge’s live-carburetter tq-litre thundered round, well made up for this. Kennard’s 3-litre looked fearfully slow, I ut Bailey’s made such good use of its start. that it. came h011ie one second ahead of NVilliantson’s 3-lit re, lad It urr the sante mark. krainer’s ex-Paery-Hassan 44litre went splendidly to take third plitee. Sonic front wheels tended Iii have terra firaw. notably Scott-Russell’s. The 3Alitre was beatenty all the old-school ears. Kemp-Plata! drove well from scratch but was unplace(l. kt. J. H. Bailey (1923 3-litre), 2 m. 25 see. Wort?, 00.76 2nd : .1. A. Williamson (1(123 3-litre) 2 to. 25 see. h’eath

3rd : (1. C. H. Eruner (IMO .q-litre) 11 in. 25 see. !Cow.

First Five-Lap Handicap

Guy Templar had the laugh of everyone, for his very healthy FIAT ” 500″ coup with the lower, four-seater axleratio, received 44 infant:0S start and won by 11.8 see..—at: nearly 59 m.p.h., note! Fitt Iteringham-Parker came up splendidly in his” 2.3″ blown Alfa-Romeo, to hold second plaee front lap 4. onwards.

1st : E. Templar (FIAT), 4 nt. 311 s. 51,71 fitp.b.

‘2nd : Potheringliam-Parlo•r (Alfa-Romeo), I ill. S. Wyatt. 3rd: T. W. Itargoc f iii. 18

Pixsh..4 lap .” .1. (8,od hew (Lagonda), 75.67 mph.

.” Second Five-Lap Handicap

Gale, on scratch, had a !tad time lwfore the Ilag dropped. for officials, seeing the Mural Ilas11. back, thouglit it. had resumed its old habit of eatching lire. Mrs. BMus selected a gear professionally. just as t lw Hag fell. The back-markers could do little with their handicaps and it looked as if Constable’s I ,202-e.e. M.G. would win, lint the last lap saw Lester pressing him Itard awl in the run-in the sleeker, smaller of the two M.G.s, gilt in first, hut by a lucre

0.4 see. ! Grand ! 1st II. Lester (Loster-M.H.), 1 al. 26 s. Wow.,

67.79 m.p.h.

2nd: t,, constable (M.“.), 1 m. 53 s.

3rd : 44, E, Phillips (51.)(,), Ole. 565. Wrap.

Faidimt hI,,: Gale (1(arnico), 76.05 m.p.h.

Faidimt hI,,: Gale (1(arnico), 76.05 m.p.h. Third Five-Lap Handicap

.1..1. Macklin’s Type 55 B.M.V. looked like winning but after three laps with a big lead it. began to slow and as Fotheringham-Parker’s Alfa-Romeo was un tI oring great. guns, that was that. Baring, iii Mortinwr’s 1 lealey, couldn’t. wipe out the 5-sr-c. start it had lo give l’yeroft’s. these two ” Silverstiones ” being second and third. The Mitt woo by 3.6 sec.

1st : Fotheringham-Parker (Alfa-ltorocob m. 53 s. h’cap., 70.54 m.p.h.

2nal : tie F. Pyeroft (Healey). W. 33S. Weal/. 3rd : A, .1. Baring in, 25. Weal!. Fazztort tap : T. A. 1). Cri,ok (Frazer-Eits10. 76.55

fill_I I.

Fourth Five-Lap Handicap This ‘WON a for

This ‘WON a vintage victory. for Hamilton’s old 44-litre high-chassis In va’tui two-seater got off the line with great Hot. wheels spinning, and nothing emight it after it. had passed Tlamuts• “TC ” M.G., to lead. The ” Patienee •• Frazer-Nash was it fine second, 6 see. behind. Mrs. north:ter was clapped for a filie chive in the !leaky, but Thornton’s Lea-Franeis emitt ed an expensive tit use, arid Filer’s 1 _ester-11.G. and

litickler’s Jaguar ” 100 went sick. emu 1,750-C.c. Alfa-Romeo did one of its hatiitually-impressive runs. bill Stiekland’s Riley, the head of whiell I ad only just been replayed in time, soon

ret i red. : C. (Inv (eta), 1 in. 40 rt. h’eap„ 61.211

2nd : I). Parker (Prager-Nash), tn. 2S s. Ii cap. 301: R. Watling-Greenwood CILW.O.), I In. 23s. h’eap. Fastest. hip : Mrs. C. E. Mortimer (Healey) 70.16 • • • A week after Mayers bad won the Trophy I 4111154. his Lester-M.C. along the Barnet Ily-pliss Ii,1Velwyn and hack, a journey it ” cotOracted ” most elle, ti%ely in spite of the meandering weekend traffic. Brictly. the rhassis is a IPIS ” T.3,” which Lester used for a while its his experimental hail:, now lilted with 511 ex-rbillips tester body. 1 he Imre id the engine has (wen inereased 3) mm., tkw stroke hy 5 num, to put the car In the It-litre sports class. A Lester head. twin 5,1″.s, on speeial Manifold OW, 14 10-(41-1 (NrinpreAs(,m-ratio (50,:5t1 t il-beirm,le is used), and a Scintilla vertex ntagrado I”’ l Me tie: additional horses. A standard gearbox is i:etainisl, with choice of a 4.:375 or 5,125-0e1 axle-ratio mid 4.50-19 or 6.90-16 rear tyres. The 4-elliptic suspension is Woodhead Montsx,damped and the

car’s !try weight t, Ili) 1.at. rear laid( ihls 11 gallons. The witting manner In whielt the engine ” revs.. the crisp exhaust note ptinctitated by a sileCeMi011 Of pistol-shot reports on the over-ruit, and the effective protertion afforded by the humped .seuttle and smaII driver’s screen, are all in the hest Lester tradition. Acceleration is very imposing, 1481411 by that delight flit 51.0, gear c haturc, and Was Clean right lip to 0,000 r.p.m. (72 m.p.h. 011 the lower of the axle rathei and bigger tyres) in third. lit top the car settles lo very easy roaa r,p,m, (KO nt.p.h.)

cruising sp,sst, and over 6,000 r,p,m. op if 5i111 really »an( to go motoring. This sort, of thing kept S Packard elfeetik:ely at Ittt on the way to Welutn.

Al. the of her ‘sal of theist:ale, t 1011ni.p.h. sports car doesn’t boil or oil Its plugs in trallie. and it. ill execllent fitel eonstunplion in thi• region of 10 m.p.g. The suspension Is naturally not as vontforisble as that, on Lester’s own car, bad surf:tees liptwing One 10011 11 (lint:Mee in all ti1, 5e111, white

Ile. steering Is 14 tIloulgIlt early 51.(4″ at limes ittla•rui,e, no tricks. MaYert., Ii proi»inent inentlier. started -erions raving al bulsgate last, year. Ile 11,, ES,., NOtWell Dunlop tyre…,, Lodge pIng•t, Venslo eltuell and brake linings. :old a 1:allay radl,itor. NtAt -tea-on he hopes to have In, present erwitte in a tubular. i.f.s. 1.,ster chas-is IV. II

stopped, told In trying to start was assisted by the crowd, and waS flats disqualified.

llertnan Lang aim, &tinned oat early in the raee, but it Was OblionSly 1101113 tO be It hattle for 11cCo114 1014 third PlareS betWcell the Minn./01: ..11.41311 inereasnig his lead on every lap.

By lap seven A. Baring 011 11 11W .51. was in fourth posit atn, behind the leader anti two :`,11-11.11N, 11111. IVO) laps later he taul to retire. Meantinw, Miwklin on the allerol 11.1A.51. bad count tip to Sixth place, driving a very tine rai:e indeed. It was 3 fine sight to sce Von Itratiellitselt, ill It car that. 1V10, 011111111?=04, doing everything that lie

ronld to keep in the picture, driving very to into seVelltil place before he retired. 1-be sithea4;ordinis were going round use well/ma:rolled trains. sounding beautiftil, and 11.11 the

race ended with Iwo SilliCaS tile tWO illitec:,. 11011114 tile winner, A. Ascari, and a Verilas II meth.-J. (1. .11. SCOUTS (Ails

2.0110 C.V.: 1st, F. 10,7s (Verities) ; 2141. 0. Bed-tura (((MW.); 3111, K. i1,1011 (Verlias).

1,500 ce. : 1st, I,. Trintignant ISilura.(40rd(ni): 211,1. It, 010,4,1er (Veritas); 301, IL Schuler (VoritaA). 1,100 1st, It. Atall7Aill ($00111-thirllini); 2114, 3 14 31)C1IISC11-1:01111a); 3rd. W. Glockler (V ,W. Spec(al), ItYeiteo (“An) :Mu : 1st, W. Schluter (Ntotio)soletko, 64.3 m.p.h.; 2tel, 1′. Kreitz ((.00per); 301, O. Frank (Cooper). thtossait Puma VoN 1.11a-rscithaND. F0101 rl..4 II lsC -• A. Aseari (1.’erritri), 731.1 111.11.14 : 21.1, Simon (Simea-Gordini, : 3rd. L. iL913,4 (Sitt113•141,4ini); .1111, T. 1-1111cn ,VcIat3,1