Reports of Recent Events, September 1948


Reports of Recent Events


This event, held at the Austin works, was one of the most successful ever staged by the Veteran Car Club. 85 old cars were entered, and 80 arrived. J. E. Ford’s 1897 Benz took the prize for the oldest car attending the Rally, 45 veterans clocking-in, only a Mercedes and a de Dion being absent. The veteran’s mileage prize went to Eyre’s 1902 Napier, which came 222 miles, from Newcastle, the runners-up being Olerenshaw’s 1904 Humber, which covered 187 miles from Yarmouth and Sear’s 1901 Mors, that managed 148 miles from Bolney. Of the Edwardians, the Hutton, a Rover and a Renault failed to arrive, but a 1912 Napier won the distance-prize magnificently, Barton and Litler driving it 285 miles from Land’s End. Fitzpatrick’s 1906 Wolseley-Siddeley came 170 miles from N. Walsham to take 2nd place from Smith’s 1907 AIIdays and Onions that covered 146 miles from Mark Cross. A hill-climb on formula followed in Austin’s grounds, commencing with a match race between Hess in the 1908 G.P. Austin and Abbott’s 1904 Mercedes, the latter, alas, fading out. In the subsequent class events Oliver’s Mercedes made best veteran time in 84.4 sec., and Skinner’s Rolls-Royce best Edwardian time in 29.4 sec. The class results of the climb were : Ur TO 1898: 1st. F. J. Pidgeon (1897 Hurtu), also best time

74.2 sec. 1899-1900: 1st. H. S. Miles (1899 Benz)

Best time : L. E. Austin (1900 de Dion) 106.4 sec. 1901-1902: 1st. C. R. Southall (1902 Baker Electric) 2nd. G. E. Eyre (1902 Napier) 3rd. 8. E. Sears (1901 Mors)

Best time : Cl. Oliver (1902 Mercedes) 34.4 sec. 1908-1904: 1st, A. Prince (1903 Panhard-Levassor) 2nd. G. A. Upton (1903 Lanchester) 3rd. H. W. L. PlerpoInt (1904 Mors), also best time

44.2 sec. 1905-1907: 1st. D. Fitzpatrick (1906 Wolseley-Siddeley), also

best time : 49.6 sec. 2nd. G. H. Wait (1906 Clyde) 1908-1910: let. L. H. Paget (1908 Lanchester) 2nd. H. R. TImmis (1910 Mercedes) Best time : S. J. Skinner (1910 Rolls-Royce)

29.4 sec. 1911-1912: 1st. L. Taylor (1911 Stanley steamer) 2nd. G. S. Walters (1911 de Dion) 3rd. J. G. Hampton (1912 Sunbeam)

Best time : G. Frank (1011 Rolls-Royce) 30.6 sec. 1913-1917: let. G. N. Mansell (1914 Perry) 2nd. G. V. B. Cooke (1913 Austin) 3rd. T. R. Lloyd (1914 Rover) Best time : P. W. Hutton-Stott (1913 Lanchester)

39.6 sec.


Best performances were as follows :Closed-car class : K. Wharton (Ford 10), Ladies’ class : Mrs. Cook (Ford 10), Open class : L. J. Oliver (Austin Seven), SuperSports class : K. Rawlings (Rawlings Special). Outstanding in the special tests were Oliver, Rawlings, de Blaquiere (Austin Seven), Delingpole (H.R.G.) and Ridley (Rawlings Special). Six ladies contested their special category, one in a Jeep, and five of them were married women, which shows commendable keenness.


This event seems to have been unique in the number of ” Specials ” which won awards. In spite of dry weather, only four competitors lost no marks. T. C. Harrison, who had Reg. Parnell as passenger, won his own Harrison Trophy, driving a Harford-Special. Wilde (Ford-Special), Eadon (Raven-Special) and Clegg (Clegg-Special) gained 1st-Class awards, Hunt (G. H. Special) and Corbishley (C.C. Special) 2nd-Class awards, while Harrison, Wilde and Chapman won the Team award.


This beauty-show attracted much interest at a packed resort, and Hy Hazell, Kathleen Stuart and Vera Lynn were amongst the judges. The class winners were as follows : S. E. Sears (Edwardian Rolls-Royce)*, H. L. Pownall (vintage Bentley)*, A. W. Lee (Daimler), T. D. Mitchell (Bentley)*, S. E. Sears (Rolls-Royce), H. A. Pierpoint (Alvis)*, Miss Rockman (Bentley)*,. and R. W. Goatcher (Armstrong-Siddeley).

* Also won Gold Prix d’Honneur. G. E. Harrington’s Humber Pullman won the Mermaid Trophy.


The Ulster Club’s Sixth Veteran and Edwardian Rally was held on Saturday, Aug. 7th, in pouring rain, fog and mountain mist. Seventeen entries, ranging from J. D. Barbour’s 1899 Clement and the Chairman’s 1898 Mors to a snappylooking 1914 Model “T,” rallied to the plateau at Bellevue. The Veterans had covered about eighteen miles and the Edwardians double the distance. Some excellent performances were put up, notably by W. M. D. Montgomery in the 1903 M.M.C. ; carburetter trouble put him on to the slow-running alternative and he arrived at the finish after many miles in bottom gear with little beads of solder mingling with the raindropsquite a hot result. The largest car in the entry-Sir Milne Barbour’s 1907 DelaunayBelleville-ran as sweetly as ever, crammed with passengers, and the prize for the best turnout went to Dr. Jones and the 1918 Talbot, Mrs. Jones’ feather boa remaining unwilted to the last. Thirteen got finishing plaques and nobody got pneumonia.


As is usual when the Alfettes are not about, Maserati won this race, Luigi Villoresi averaging 98.4 m.p.h. for the 205 miles (2 hr. 11 min. 45.5 sec.) and also making fastest lap, at 97.88 m.p.h. He was followed home by Raph, 4 min. 30 see. behind in a Talbot, Chiron’s Talbot and Rosier’s Talbot.


The Motor Cycling Club, under ” Jackie ” Masters’ able guidance, put on its Devon Trial at the end of July as a “standard-ration ” treat. Doverhay, Yealscombe, Wellshead, Southernwood,

Lyn, Beggars’ Roost and Station hills gave the event a decidedly “Land’s End” appeal. C. A. N. May’s Ford V8 Special and Vincent’s M.G. were amongst those to fall by the wayside. J. H. Rathbourne’s H.R.G. took the Baddeley Award for Best Performance, while the Allard team won the One-Make Team Award.


BEST PEasoEmeNcE (L. A. Baddeley Special Award): T. H. Radbourne (1,496-c.c. H.R.G.. ) PREMIER AWARDS: F. Morrish (1,4913-c.c. FrazerNash), E. H. Goodenough (1,496-c.c. Horstrnann), J. H. Radbottrne (1,496-c.c. H.R.G.), R. Helier 0,267-c.c. Morgan), W. A. G. Goodall (1,267-c.c. Morgan), K. E. 0. Burgess (4,000.e.e. Allard), L. Potter (3,917-c.c. Allard Special), J. H. Appleton (4,000-c.c. Allard), D. Murkett (989-c.c. M.G.),

D. J. Rase (939-c.c. M.G.), H. Clayton (1,172-c.c. Clayton Special), E. G. Smith (1,200-c.c. A.R.M. Special), W. P. Uglow (1,496-c.c. H.R.G.), J. Buncombe (1,496-c.c. H.R.G.).

SECOND-CLASS AWARDS : F. Dennis Dent (3,622-c.c. Allard), P. H. G. Morgan (1,267-c.c. Morgan), C. R,. L. Nicholl (1,296-e.c. M.G. Magnette), A. W. Morrish (939-c.e. M.G.), L. J. OnslowBartlett (3,917-c.c. Mercury Special), H. C. Roberts (3,917-c.c. Allard). THIRD-CLASS AWARDS: R. W. Christmas (939-c.c. M.G.), R. Barton (1,250-c.c. Morris Special),

E. D. Scobey (1,496-c.c. H.R.G.), B. G. P. de Mattos (1,140-c.c. Morgan), C. M. Davis (1,708-c.c. M.G.), E. P. Huxham (1,098-c.c. Morgan), R. W. Hartnoll (1,250-c.c. M.G.), R. D. Harris (1,250-c.c. M.G.), V. R. Symons (1,267 Morgan), D. S. ScottDow (1,074-e.c. H.R.G.), P. Scott (1,496-c.c. H.R.G.), J. E. N. Bullivant (1,498-c.c. Riley ” Falcon “), R. E. Wright (1,496-e.c. Frazer-Nash), Miss D. E. Store (1,292-c.c. M.G.), C. J. Mores (2,322-c.c. M.G.), W. M. G. Marshall (2,468-c.c. M.G.), F. M. Wilcock (1,666-c.c. Talbot), H. P. Brayshaw (4,086-c.c. Humber), C. B. Ryley (1,292-e.c. M.(l.), C. F. Crossby (1,203-c.c. Vauxhall), B. H. Brown (3,622-c.c. Ford Special), C. J Preston (972-c.c. Singer), H. J. 0. Ripley (2,44:2-c.c. Healey), M. J. Barker (4,086-c.c. Htunber), S. S. Turner (3,622-c.c. Allard), C. Oldbury (1,185-c.c. Sunbeam-Talbot), Cl. L. Hawkins (1,496-c.c. M.G.). TEAM AWARDS:

ONE-MAKE • Allard (drivers, K. E. 0. Burgess, L. Potter and J. H. Appleton).

MIXED: R. W. Hartnoll (MM.), B. 1). Harris (M.G.) and J. H. Radbourne (H.R.G.).

RETIRED: B. D. S. Ginn (3,917-c.c. Ford V8), C. A. N. May (3,622-c.c. Ford Special), J. V. Vincent (847-c.c. M.G.), W. B,. Growcock (1,250-c.c. M.G.), R. C. C. Palmer (1,496-c.c. Frazer-Nash), H. H. Alderton (1,287-c.c. M.G. Magnette).


Both Allen Arnold and Bob Berry, driving Bugatti and riding Brough, broke their last-year’s records for the 1 mile sprint, with times of 14.6 sec. and 18.8 sec., respectively. Tyrer’s sports-car record with the B.M.W. did not fall, but Warburton and Pritchard, both driving Allards, clocked 16.8 sec., which was only 0.2 sec. longer. Tyrer himself had trouble and did not run. Aikens won the 500-c.c. racing-cars class in the Aikens, in 17.6 sec.


A series of Special Tests were held at Claygate on Sunday, July 25th. “Bertie” Edmonds “diced ” with a Morris Ten saloon to win the car class and the Winterbottom Cup.

The motor-cycle class and Gloucester Cup went to Charles Kirby (Triumph Twin), who scored maximum points. Second in both classes was the versatile J. A. Jakeman (” Ulster” Austin and Ariel).