

The West Hants & Dorset C.C. held speed trials on August 7th, over an interesting new 704-yard macadamsurfaced course with several curves and a sharp right-hand hairpin. L. Leonard’s astonishing blown N-type M.G. Magnette, described in MOTOR SPORT last July, beat every other car, making f.t.d. in 80.92 sec., an average of over 46.5 m.p.h. The only racing cars permitted were Class I vehicles, amongst -which Stirling Moss’ Cooper was very nicely handled, especially as to gearchanges in rapid succession before the hairpin, to clock 81.40 sec., second fastest time. Incidents, in the form of front-wheel slides and 180-degree gyrations, were rife at the hairpin, and heavy rain spoilt many second runs. Meisl (H.R.G.) and Lee (2-litre Aston-Martin) skidded and struck a tree, with damage to their cars but no personal injury. Tony Crook was untroubled by locking front wheels, in his B.M.W., Way spun his B.M.W., Cole handled his Jaguar very well both in the dry and in the wet, Leslie Allard did one nicely controlled run in the wet after rectifying valve trouble, and Burgess was faster on his first run, both Allards impressively stable. The crowd was quick to express scorn at slow cornering, and loudly clapped Leonard’s fearless runs. The multi-carburetter Chrysler-base Cripps-Special was going well, Westcott’s Mercury-engined Frazer-Nash had soft front tyres and Strang held a slide well, while Sparrowe kept his engine going as his S.M.S. gyrated. Mrs. Onslow Bartlett drove in a spirited manner in the Mercury, anxious not to be outdone by her famous husband, who won his class. Mrs. Richmond sportingly drove Quartermaine’s ” 30/98 ” Vauxhall, but was slow, Hall’s Marwyn ran out of air-pressure, Brandon’s Cooper broke a chain on its first getaway, and Stoop’s Spink 500 had carburettercontrol maladies. Parker had moments in his Jaguar, Bryant was noticeably neat in his Marwyn, Sparrowe drove well, Brandon ell t early for the hairpin in the

wet, and Lord Strathcarron’s handling of his Marwyn was good to watch. Buckler, too, drove well. Interesting runners were the Darraeq-Nash, alias Pansy-Special, a supple-suspended Healey saloon, Finch’s racing-cum-sports Amilcar, the Beckenham-Special, now with six Amals to its ” 18/80 ” M.G. engine, Richmond’s 8-litre twin o.h.c. Sunbeam, and the very Continental Jason-Henry Delahaye.



1st : H. Lester (1,086-c.c. M.G.), 35.52 sec. 2nd : C. D. F. Buckler (1,172-c.c. Ford), 37.92 sec. 3rd : C. V. Coles (746-c.c. M.G.), 39.86 sec.

SPORTS CARS UP TO 850 O.C. 8/0 AND 1,750 C.C. UN-S/C:

1st : G. E. Phillips (1,250-c.c. M.G.), 34.24 sec. 2nd : E. J. Newton (1,497-c.c. mica.), 34.25 sec. 3rd : W. P. Tiglow (1,496-c.c. H.R.G.), 34.91 sec.

SPORTS CARS UP TO 1,200 C.C. 8/0 AND 2,600 C.C. UN-S/C

1st: 0. A. F. Finch (1,100-c.c. Amilcar, s/c), 32.90 see. 2nd : T. A. D. Crook (1,971-c.c. B.M.W.), 33.29 see. 3rd : R. Way (1,974-c.c. B.M.W.), 33.50 sec. SPORTS CARS UP TO 1,600 0.0. S/C AND 3,750 C.C. UN-S/C:

1st : L. Leonard (1,408-c.c. M.G., s/c), 30.92 sec. 2nd : T. L. H. Cole (3,485-c.c. Jaguar), 32.63 sec. 3rd : G. Jason-Henry (3,600-c.c. Delahaye), 33.26 sec. SPORTS CARS UP TO 2,100 C.C. S/C AND UNLIMITED UN-S/C:

1st : Onslow Bartlett (3,917-c.c. Mercury), 32.10 sec.

2nd : W. L. Cripps (5,297-c.c. Cripps-Special), 33.79 see.

3rd : 3. A. Cripps (5,297-c.c. Cripps-Special), 33.85 sec. SPORTS CARS UNLIMITED, S/C : 1st: T. A. 1). Crook (2,904-c.c. Alfa-Romeo, 2nd : 301.93Bseurciesa (4,000-c.c. Allard, s/c),

32.09 sec.

3rd : T. L. Allard (3,917-c.c. Allard, s/c), 33.38 sec. RACING CARS UP TO 500 C.C., UN-S/C:

1st : S. Moss (Cooper), 31.40 sec.

2nd : G. R. Hartwell (Monaco), 31.56 sec.

3rd : E. Brandon (Cooper), 31.62 sec. THE SIX FASTEST:

sec. L. Leonard (M.G;) 30.92-£50 and

Meadow Cup.

S. Moss (Cooper) … 31.40-£50 and Joliffe Cup. G. R. Hartwell (Monaco) … 31.56-2,15. E. Brandon (Cooper) … 31.62

T. A. D. Crook (Alfa-Romeo) 31.93–£10. Onslow-Bartlett (Mercury) 32.10-£10. LADIES’ CUP: Mrs. Onslow-Bartlett (Mercury), 34.02 sec.