

Sir, I’m sending in a correction on your May 1941 issue, but first of an a word of congratulation and admiration for the way your paper is getting through to this country. I haven’t missed an issue. As to the correction It’s a bigger matter than is at first apparent ; on the Editorial page you mentioned past Indianapolis winners. You stated that Maserati won it once; now in this country there’s a small but rabid group of super race fanatics to whom a foreign sports car or

racing car is an almost sacred piece of machinery. We aren’t unpatriotic, we simply feel that the finest type of MRpetition comes from a ” foreign ” victory at Indianapolis every now and then. They’ve been all too few until three years ago. To us, the ideal situation would be a team of American cars going to Europe and one of them winning a major race.

I don’t care about getting any credit for pointing this out ; but I would like the fact that Maserati won not only twice, but did what no other car has ever done before, the same car won two in a row (1939 and 1940), Shaw driving both times.

In this country we think this is rather epic ; for 19 long years not a single European got as much as second place, then Maserati made a doubly good thing of it. So I hope you will be able to make this a prominent, easy-to-see correction.

Again let me congratulate you on a splendid job under trying circumstances. I am, Yours etc., DILJ,WYN PA RRISH, Greenville,

S. Carolina. [Apologies to the House of Maserati, if it still exists ! And congratulations to our Royal Navy and the U.S. Navy. Best ishes. T.S.A.—Ed.]