


TYPICAL of the many tributes that have accompanied donations to the Seaman Memorial Fund is the following from Mr. F. H. Seymour of Alvaston, Derby. He writes :

“I have seen that a Fund has been opened in order to erect a Memorial to the undying memory of the late Dick Seaman. I enclose a small donation as a tribute to the finest driver this country has ever produced and to one of the best sportsmen who has ever lived.

Although it was never my good fortune to meet him myself, I felt as though I had lost a personal friend with a most lovable nature—the debt Britain owes him can never be repaid.” The three Trustees who are to administer the Fund are Lord Howe,

Whitney Straight, Esq., and Lt.-Col. Mervyn O’Gorman.

Donations should be sent to : The Secretary, The British Racing Drivers’ Club, 12, Queen’s Gate Terrace, London, S.W.7. Cheques should be made payable to the Seaman Memorial Fund. and crossed “Midland Bank, Ltd.”


Jean Bugatti the popular son of the famous French car manufacturer will be mourned by his many friends in this country where he was a frequent visitor.

Since 1932 he has been an Honorary Member of the Club in which year he raced an experimental four-wheel drive Bugatti at Shelsley Walsh.

To his family we extend our sincere sympathy.


There appears to be some considerable misunderstanding regarding the competition rules relating to Protests and Appeals. It should be noted that in the new edition of the R.A.C. General Competition Rules only the regulations governing Appeals have been revised— the rules concerning Protests remain unchanged.

Protests are heard by the Stewards of the Meeting, to whom they should be addressed, and briefly the procedure is as follows. Every Protest must be in writing and

accompanied by a fee of which is returnable if the Protest is deemed well founded or if so directed by the Stewards of the Meeting or by the R.A.C.

The important point is that a Protest against any irregulatity occuring during a competition or concerning the list of awards should be lodged within half an hour of the finish of the competition or publication of the list of awards. In the case of a Brooklands meeting for example, a Protest arising out of an incident occuring in the say first race should be lodged within half an hour of the finish of that race and not of the meeting.

In the event of a Protest being disallowed, the competitor has the further right of appeal to the R.A.C. but (and this is the new rule) notice of appeal must be given to the Stewards of the Meeting within the hour following their decision and the written notice must be accompanied by l:10 in cash.

Copies of the Competition Rules (price 1/-) may be obtained from the R.A.C., Pall Mall, S.W 1.


Hon. P. Aitken 14; I. F. Connell and P. Maclure 12; C. K. Mortimer 11; H. L. Brooke and W. E. Cotton 10; R. Parnell. 9; K. D. Evans and I. H. Nickols 8; F. R. Gerard 7 ; R. E. Ansell, A. H. Beadle, C. Brackenbury, A. C. Dobson, C. G. H. Dunham, R. Hanson, R. E. Tongue, and N. G. Wilson, 6.


Unfortunately the Track Star Markings given in. last month’s issue were in correct. I. F. Connell and C. G. H. Dunham were each. credited with 12 marks whereas in fact Connell’s score was 14

to Dunham’s 12. Neither of these drivers succeeded in collecting any points in the Brooklands August Bank Holiday Meeting so that the first two positions remain unchanged.

Details : I. F. Connell 14; C. G. H. Dunham 12; G. A. Woodin g 9; G. L. Baker 8; H. J. Aldington, St. John Horsfall, G. B. C. Sumner, F. R. Gerard and P. Maclure 6; Lord Selsdon and Mrs. E. M. Thomas 4.


After remaining firmly in the lead for the greater part of the season, the Hon. Peter Aitken was temporarily displaced by H. L. Brooke in first place for the British Motor Race Organisers’ Association Bonus Awards. Aitken, who had been abroad for some weeks, flew back from Budapest for the Prescott Meeting on July 30th, to find that through an oversight his entry had not been posted and of course he was not down as a runner.

At the Crystal Palace meeting on August 26th Brooke failed to finish and fell back to second place with Maclure each with 68 points.

Details : Aitken. 72, Brooke, Maclure, 68 Evans 65, Parnell 62, Nickols 58, Hadley 48.


The Bank Holiday meeting at Brooklands had little effect on the Road Star positions, Mays scoring 2 points for his Campbell Trophy win and displacing Hadley in third place with a total of 18. At Berne, the three British drivers, Wakefield, Evans and Ansel!, did remarkably well and were invited to return to Switzerland for the Zurich race on October 8th. Wakefield, who finished third, in the 1,500 c.c. race further con

solidated his position by gaining a useful 6 points to bring his total to 47 and Kenneth Evans who put up a very creditable performance in finishing ninth in the Grand Prix, added 4 to his total. Incidentally he collected aspecial prize for being the first independent to finish.

Hadley ‘s magnificent win in the Imperial Trophy race gained him a well merited 8 points to put him third behind. Dobson who finished second.

Details : Wakefield 47, Dobson 25, Hadley 24, Aitken 20, Mays 18, Tongue 14, Evans 12, Rolt 11, Nickols 9, Hyde 8, Parnell 6, Abecassis and Hanson 5.