CONTENTS, September 1936



415 Where Motor-racing is a National Sport

… Rumblings … ••• •••

••. 418 Brook-lands below Par ••• 422 Speed in the Sun at Soutlisea ••• 425 Club News … ••• • .•

• . 428 Continental Notes and News ••• 43r Tragedy at Limerick

• .. 434 In Aid of Charity … ..• ••• 435

London’s Racing-Circuit … ••• 436 The Hundred-Mile Race at Southport

… 437 The History of Midget Auto-Racing in America 438 Richard Seaman Wins Again Good Racing in Switzerland Fast Times in the Coppa Acerb° Climax at Brighton … …• ••• ••• •• • ••• ••• 439 443 444 445

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