

The Coppa Acerbo races are held annually on the Pescara circuit, and always

have an international character. The circuit is roughly triangular in shape, with two fast legs and the third composed of frequent corners and hairpin bends. On one of the straights there is a timed kilometre, approached by a downhill Stretch, but this year the Italians were determined that their Alfa-Romeos should not be at a disadvantage by having a lower maximum speed than the German cars, and they accordingly erected some chicanes, or artificial S-bends, in order to slow the cars. Glorious weather prevailed on the day of the races, and a huge crowd assembled. As at Leghorn the previous week, the contest lay between the Alfa-Romeos and the Auto-Unions, for the MercedesBenz were licking their wounds sustained at the German Grand Prix and were concentrating their energies on making a good show in the Swiss Grand Prix. The Italian crowd was hoping to see Nuvolari, their national idol, repeat his victory over the Auto-Unions at Leghorn, and the enthusiasm was tremendous

hen Nuvolari shot into the lead at the start. Rosemeyer and Varzi, the AutoUnion drivers, were hard on his heels.

For five laps Rosemeyer was content to follow his Italian rival, but then he swept past to take the lead. The actual passing took place on one of the fast straights, when Rosemeyer’s speed was something like 170 m.p.h.

Nuvolari did not give up the struggle, and he was encouraged by the fact that Varzi had to pull into the pits for some hasty adjustments. The latter was full of fight, however, and when he got going again he put his foot hard down in an , effort to make up the lost ground. On the timed kilometre his speed rose to the amazing figure of 183.64 m.p.h.—the highest recorded during the race, and he made the fastest lap of the race at 88.9 The effort of keeping up with the flying Rosemeyer proved too much for Nuvolari’s Alfa-Romeo, and after 150 miles the Italian champion was forced to

retire. Meanwhile Auto-Unions had

suffered a set-back when Stuck grazed a chicane with his elbow and hurt himself badly. By now there was no opposition to Rosemeyer, and the brilliant young driver brought his Auto-Union into first place at a speed of 86.48 m.p.h. for the 256 miles. Varzi had dropped back again with trouble, and Von Delius took second

place. Brivio’s Alfa-.R.oineo, which finished fourth, was over eight minutes behind Rosemeyer.

RESULT Unlimited Race Result 256 Miles 1. Rosemeyer (Auto-Won) 2h. 57m. 4s. Speed

1. Rosemeyer 86.48 m.p.h.

2. Von Delius (Auto-Union) 3h. 4m. 18s.

:3. Varzi (Auto-Union) 3h. 5m. 1.6s. 4. Brivio (Alia-Romeo). In the morning the 1,500 c.c. race had resulted in a splendid victory for Richard

Seaman with his Delage. Seaman won the race last year on an E.R.A. Previous winners were the late H. C. Hamilton and Whitney Straight, both with M.G. Magnettes. It is interesting to note that the winner of the Coppa Acerb° for the past four years has been a one-time member of the Whitney Straight Scuderia.

The previous week Seaman had had to bow to Count Trossi’s Maserati, due to continual fuel-feed trouble. This time, however, the old Delage was in grand form, and there was no mistaking the winner from the very start. Trossi and Ruesch, on Maseratis, did their best to catch the fleet Delage, chased by ” Bira,” Tongue and Embiricos on E.R.As. It was not a good day for the British cars though, and one by one they dropped out. ” Bira ” was the last to go, his car catching fire. He escaped without injury, and the car was not badly damaged. Over the flying kilometre Seaman was the fastest at 130 m.p.h. followed by ” Bira ” at 125 m.p.h. Seaman continued his regular progress, and ran out a clear winner by 50 seconds

from Trossi. The full result was as follows.

RESULT 96 Mlles

1. Seaman (Delage) lb. 14m. 25.2s. Speed 77.1 m.p.h.

2. Trossi (Maserati) lb. 15m. 4.45e.

3. Rueseh (Maserati).

4. McEvoy (Maserati). 6. Bergamini (Maserati).


The second English Riviera Trial will start from Torquay on October 24th and will embrace some new Devon hills. N.W. London, Sunbac, W.A.S.A., Singer M.C. and M.G. C.C. members will also take part, Hon. Sec. ; C. H. F. Cattell, . 25, Blindwylle Road, Chelston, Torquay.