

The Kent and Sussex L.C.C. meeting at Race Hill, Lewes-one-third-mile course in beautiful surroundingsattracted the biggest entry for the last two years, and the meeting was run off to Kent and Sussex standards, though it seemed regrettable that hand timing had replaced the usual electrical apparatus.

Geoffrey Taylor put up the best time, his 1,488 c.c. Alta taking 19.81 secs., while R. R. Jackson’s 1,490 c.c. Alta made second fastest time in 19.95 secs., praiseworthy showing by an individual marque of thoroughbred design. A. F. P. Pane dominated the sports classes with his Frazer-Nash Six, as has become his habit, climbing in 21.72 secs.

Dick Nash was not quite in his old form, and the Frazer-Nash Union Special asked 20 secs. dead, while Fane’s racing FrazerNash needed 20.68 secs. H. L. Hadley from Austin’s again put the tiny Austin in the picture, and Harvey-Noble did some further good driving, clocking 20.56 secs. with his M.G., and 20.84 secs. with Sumner’s 101-litre Delage, the last a creditable time with a car difficult for this kind of motoring.

K. D. Evans did his best Lewes run, the M.G. taking only 21.21 secs. Much comment and praise was expended when R. A. Waddy got his z-litre Fuzzy Nine up in 20.08 secs. The little car has two 500 c.c. engines, one driving the front wheels while the other drives the back axle, and the body is very completely faired-in. On August 22nd the front engine displayed temperament, but next year Waddy may well have the record in his hands. Mention of the record, recalls a simply astounding run by S. R. Cummings, when the Vauxhall-Villiers recorded a time as low as 18.88 secs. However, as this was put up on a special match run, authority will not recognise it as a new course record and the popular Dick Nash retains official honours. To conclude, we have had a big revival of sprint motoring this year and have seen a number of new venues in use.

Lewes still remains one of the very best.


Frazer-Nash oars: 1, Ivo Peters, 27.3s. Standard Sports, 1,100 c.o. : 1, It. M. Sanford

(995 c.c. Flat Balilla) 30.71s.

Super-sports, 1,100 c.c. • 1, H. Witley Burt (93 9. c.c. M.G.) 28.29s. , 2, Capt.. C. Terry (939 c.c. M.G.) 29.53s.

Standard Sports, 1.500 0.0.: 1, Ivo Peters (1,496 c.c. Frazer-Nash) 27.21s.; 2, G. Bagratouni (1,287 c.c. M.G.) 28.03s.

Standard Sports, 2,000 c.o. : 1, C. G. Fitt (1,911 c.c. Frazer-Nash-B.M.W.) 27.50s.; 2, D. Greig (1,657 c.c. Frazer-Nash) 27.64s.

Super-Sports, 1,500 c.c. : 1, A. F. P. Pane (1,496. c.c. Frazer-Nash) 21.725.; 2, G. Bagrat,ouni (M.G.) 27.57s.

Super-sports, Unlimited : 1, Forrest Lycette (7,963 c.c. Bentley) 21.89s.; 2, A. F. P. Pane (1,496 c.c. Frazer-Nash) 22.71s.

Racing-cars, 1,100 c.c.: 1, It. A. Waddy (1,000 c.c. Fuzzy) 20.085. ; 2, A. N. L. Maclachlan (747 c.c. Austin) 20.62s. 3,, H. L. Hadley (747 c.c. Austin) 21.08s.

Racing-cars, 1,500 0.0. • 1, G. Taylor (1,488 c.c.. Alta) 19.81s.• ; 2, R. G. J. Nash (Frazer-Nash Union Special) 20s. ; 3,R.. R. Jackson (1,490 c.c. Alta) 20.44s.

Racing-cars, 2,000 C..). : 1, R. R. Jackson (1,490, c.c. Alta) 19.95s.; 2, E. G. J. Nash (Fraser-Nash Union Special) 20.28g.; 3, A. F. P. Pane (1,490 c.c.. Frazer-Nash) 20.68s.

Racing-cars, Unlimited: 1 R. It. Jackson (1,490 c.c. Alta) 20.528,; 2, II. L. Hadley (747 c.c. Austin) 20.78s.; 3, G. P. Harvey-Noble (10,688 c.c. Delage) 20.84s.

Handicap Event : 1, Dudley W. Jackson (Riley Nine) ; 2, X. 0. C. Samuel (Frazer-Nash) ; 3, S. E. Cummings (Vauxhall-Villiers).

*Fastest time of the day.