

This year the entry list for the MidSurrey A.C’s. classic Barnstaple trial was disappointing in strength of numbers, if satisfactory in quality.

The trial started from Minehead, and the weather conditions were unpleasant, though the damp that graced the drive, and the heavy rain of preceding days, had done little to increase the severity of the Exmoor gradients At Doverhay the timed section had to be abandoned because too few observers and officials were present to allow it to function— which is a point worth taking to heart by those enthusiasts who up to now have not experienced the fun of assisting to run a trial ; it is good sport and so much cheaper than competing.

As a result Doverhay merely stopped Taylor’s Riley, which had suffered, anyway, from a stern drive down to Minehead. The next hill was Edbrooke, with a restart on a steep gradient leading from the main road, so that after a slow start many cars came to rest on the slimy rock outcrops near the top. In all, ten failures were claimed by Edbrooke, Hill (A.C.), Simpson (A.C.), Boughton (Triumph, S.), and a few others actually being defeated

by spinning wheels right at the bottom.

Tarr Steps was omitted, as a result of flood water having rendered it more or less impossible, a happening luckily discovered by torch-bearing officials the previous night.

At Wellshead, an ingenious stop, restart and brake test was arranged, a safety white line actually being incorporated, presumably to avoid collisions with rock outcrops on a bend.

A. B. Langley (M.G. Magnette), Macdermid (M.G.), and Fitt (FrazerNash-B.M.W.) scored in the class for cars of over 1,100 c.c., their respective times being 34.0 secs., 35.0 secs., and 36.0 secs. In the category for cars of under 1,100 c.c. 13astock recorded 371 secs. with a blown M.G. Midget, while A. H. Langley (M.G ) recorded 38.4 secs., and J. E. S. Jones, at the wheel of an unblown Midget, 41.8 secs. Southern Wood, first used seriously in the C.U.A.C. Exmoor trial of last April, stopped ten cars and merits further

attention from trials organisers. Mrs. Moss (Marendaz-Special) and Macdermid (M.G.) were not included in the ten, but very nearly so.

Lyn Hill contributed an interesting hairpin, where cars with a wheelbase of over 8 ft. were allowed a reverse. Boughton (Triumph) and Ripley (Ford V-8) made use of this ruling but did not judge things sufficiently well, but Loader went round nicely with his Singer, likewise Uglow with a blown A.C. Beggar’s Roost and Kipscombe completed an interesting trial which should certainly have received more support, though possibly many would-be entrants were on holiday, if anyone is taking a holiday this very English summer.


Surbiton Challenge Cup : A. B. Langley (M.G. Magnette). Special Trophy : J. A. Ba.stock (M.G. Midget). Team Prize : It. A. Macdermid, A. B. Langley and

J. A. Bastock (M.Gs.). First-class Awards : A. C. Fairtiough (A.C.), W. P. Uglow (A.C.), C. A. N. May (M.G. Magnette), C. G. Fitt (Fraser-Nash-B.M.W.), Mrs. A. E. Moss (Marenda.z-Special), R. A. Macdermid (M.G.), Miss

K. Taylor (M.G. )(fidget), Miss M. Wilby (FrazerNash), J. E. S. Jones (M.G. Midget), A. H. Langley M.G. Midget), and P. S. Flower (M.G. Midget), Second-class Awards: • E. If. Goodenough (11.0. Midget), A. J. Lambert (M.G. Midget), A.. r. Radon (Singer).

Third-class Award : G. M. Symons (S.S. 60).