

Somehow the B.A.R.C. August meeting at Brooklands did not seem to go with its usual swing this year. Perhaps ,the impossible weather experienced throughout July was responsible for a poor attendance, and certainly the Limerick race on the same day robbed the track of many interesting cars and some good drivers. One feels that nowadays the specifications and details of most of the competing cars are so thoroughly known as to rob the paddock of much of its

interest. Some new-comers would be a very good thing, though the fact that high speeds can be obtained these days from standard engines without recourse to very drastic modifications has its bearing on the matter, and the constant search for more r.p.m. and additional m.p.h. no longer prompts mechanical Changes of such importance as to be evident to the interested paddock prowler as he nears the cars’ stall.

The racing-game, like everything else, changes with the course of time. To return more particularly to the August meeting, the fifteen-mile outer-circuit Locke-King Trophy race was an interesting innovation, being handicapped on a class basis of the sort that certain people have long suggested might be introduced as a break in the string of traditional short and long handicaps dating from 1907. Alas, the race was poorly supported and in each section one car ran clean away from its unfortunate rivals, as if happy at last to be free from the individual attention of Mr. Ebblewhite.

When. we arrived at the track and entered the Press-box the announcement that the Barnato-Hassan, with which Oliver Bertram had hoped to attack the lap record, had pushed a rod through its engine exterior in practice, cast some considerable gloom over ourselves and those friends to whom we passed on the news. However, the match race with John Cobb did not suffer as Richard Marker allowed Bertram to drive his track-racing 61-litre Bentley, and it was evident that the usually blasé folk who congregate in silent little bands on the old return road to the paddock to watch the racers pass, got really excited as the two cars hurtled round during the duel. This seems to indicate that Brooklands would benefit from more “heavy metal amongst its entries—even if small cars had to be excluded entirely from certain races and cars started, perhaps, in pairs.

As we have remarked, there was nothing of especial interest to be seen in the paddock. Richard Bolster had his Shelsley-looking-M.G.-engined G.N. down there, and Granville Grenfell had a supercharged, modified Rapier-Special that subsequently blew its motor into many pieces.

Oxley again produced the neat yellow Hermon with independent suspension and a British Salmson engine, and it seems a car that should make a name for itself quite soon, if all the money is not spent on racing before serious production commences. The popular Oats drove the 2.8-litre Maserati, but Bartlett’s new Alta, destined for the ” 200 ” and reputed very

hush-hush, did not turn up. LemonBurton arrived late in the afternoon with his new 2.3-litre, double-camshaft, straight-eight G.P. Bugatti bnt that beautiful motor did not feel like playing in the August sunshine. One bright spot of the meeting occurred when the untiring Mr. Hess handed out an announcer’s bouquet to Hermon driving an Oxley I

The First August Short Handicap

(about six and a half miles) C. H. Masters’ little Fiat, driven by Tuson, led for some time, followed by

de Mattos in Spikins’ cut-down Singer Nine and Gentle’s 1 Flare Alvis. Charles Follett experienced severe trouble with his Speed Twenty Alvis, and “K. 0. Biarritz” literally vanished amidst a huge smoke screen when his GrenfellRapier-Special broke asunder. Major A. T. G. Gardner’s ex-Horton M.G. Magnette came through very fast to win at 112+ m.p.h., with the scratch Pacey-Hassan-Special 1* seconds away in second place, and W. M. Couper’s Talbot, of concours appearance, third. RESULT

1. Major A. T. G. Gardner (1,087 c.c. M.G., 8), Orn. 20s.

2. B. W. W. Pacey (4f-litre Pacey-HassanSPecial), scratch.

3. W. M. Couper (3.3-litre Talbot), Om. 98. Won at 112.35 m.p.h. by 11 sec. 81 sec. between 2nd and 3rd.

Second August Short Handicap (about six and a half miles)

J. P. Almack was on the limit-mark with the rakish Abbott-Nash, which has an Anzani engine, Prazer-Nash transmission and a few Horstmarm bits and bobs. He maintained his lead very well, having an interesting duel with Oxley, whose Hermon started three seconds later, Kelway was clinging to third place with his unblown 1i-litre G.P. Bugatti, but Mrs. Briggs did not appear so rapid as usual in the Brooklands Riley. On the last lap Roy Eccles came into the picture with the off-set, single-seater Rapier-Special and the little green car ran home the winner, with F,sson-Scott’s familiar black Bugatti second, now running as a 11-litre, and Marker’s scratch Bentley in third place. The Abbott-Nash proved to have shed parts of its exhaust system near the finish and Mrs. Briggs toured in last

in the field. RESULT

1. It. H. Eccles (1,084 c.c. Rapier-Special), Om. 21s.

2. A. Esson-Scott (1+-litre lingatti), Om. 23s.

3. It. R. K. Marker (6k-litre Bentley) scratch. Won at 108.80 m.p.h. by 2+ sec. 3+ sec. between 2nd and :3rd.

First August Long Handicap (about nine miles)

E. W. W. Pacey, exponent of the genuine track-racing Pacey-HassanSpecial, went back from the scratch mark to “owes four seconds” by reason of his previous rapid lappery. Pollett’s Alvis was found to have damaged two pistons in the previous race, and Dobbs was not present with his 1,089 c.c. Riley II.

Gentle’s Alvis led away, but on the first lap Andrew Leitch’s unblown Bugatti of the same capacity made up its seven seconds’ disadvantage and passed the Alvis, while Billy Cotton’s blown M.G. had displaced Briggs on the Riley for third place. Continuing his rapid motoring Cotton won the race easily, and as the first three cars crossed the finishing line the PaceyHassan-Special was just coming up very

quickly into the picture. Baker’s big Graham-Paige had a fit of the sulks and retired, which probably saved Baker a new tie, for the wind had been playing havoc with his clothing.


1. Billy Cotton (1,087 e.e. M.G., S.), Om. 40s.

2. A. M. Leitch (11-litre Bugatti), lm. 29s. 3. G. Briggs (1,089 c.c. Riley), Om. 538. Won at 106.94 m.p.h. by St sec. 6 sec. between 2nd and 3rd

First August Mountain Handicap (about six miles)

Not unexpectedly, Grenfell’s Rapier was a non-starter, as was Gordon Brettell’s Vale-Special.

W. Parnell’s blown M.G. was on scratch and it only just got away from the line. G. Bagratouni (M.G.) led for three laps, and Monkhouse on the limit M.G. held second place until passed on the third lap by Michael May’s 2-litre Alvis. Richard Bolster was going well on the Bolster-Special, the tail dancing up and down sharply, when he spun round at the Member’s Corner, somehow escaping complete disaster, but causing EssonScott some very anxious moments. Be Mattos found that Spikins’ ” toy-shop ” Singer had weakening brakes and fell out of the race after a splendid start. King-Clark (M.G.) went into the lead on lap four and on the very last lap Eccles came through a crowded field to displace May, and, screaming up to the finish, actually dead-heated with King-Clark, whom May waved on on the previous

lap. RESULT 1. R. King-Clark (747 c.c. M.G., S.), Om. 19s.

1. R. King-Clark (747 c.c. M.G., S.), Om. 19s. R. H. Eccles (1,084 c.c. Rapier-Special, S.), Om. 148.

3. M. W. B. May (2-litre Alvis), Om. 25s.

Won at 66.83 m.p.h., and 68.60 m.p.h. respectively, by 4i sec.

Second August Mountain Handicap (about six miles)

Parnell, after a good drive in his MG., overdid things at the Fork Turn, and, running round behind the barrels, by which he certainly did not cut the course, was disqualified, so that the race went to D. N. Letts, driving a 1,287 c.c.

M.G. The M.G. marque certainly had a field-day. Oats brought the Maserati into second place in a good race, while Hadley was third with the side-valve

Austin of the works team. Actually, J. P. Wakefield appeared to have this race in his pocket, but on the last lap he saw his chances evaporate as his Alta slid round at the Fork. RESULT

1. D. N. Letts (1,287 c.c. M.G.), Om. 43s. 2. R. F. Oats (2.8-litre Maserati, 8.), Om. 298,

3. H. L. Hadley (747 c.c. Austin, S.), Om. 29. Won at 67.07 m.p.h. by 3 sec. 21 sec. between 2nd and 3rd.

The Locke-King Trophy Race (fifteen miles)

This race, named after the late Mr. Locke-King, founder of Brooklands, who during his lifetime was never thanked sufficiently for his great task, was a great innovation in a B.A.R.C. programme. It was divided into three sections, 750 c.c., 1,100 c.c. and lirlitre, the last-size cars being all on scratch, all 1,100 c.c. engined jobs getting a start of sixteen seconds, and all 750 c.c. cars a start of thirty-two seconds, the distance being five laps of the outer-circuit. “Peter Richards'” Frazer-Nash and R. C. Fleming’s M.G. Midget (Fleming has, we believe, recently purchased an Alfa-Romeo for Donington drives) were non-starters, which left Jucker’s Frazer

Nash, Bertram with R. R. Jackson’sblown If-litre Alta and Pane’s popular single-seater ” Shelsley ” Frazer-Nash on. scratch, Parnell’s M.G., and Major Gardner’s M.G. the only ” 1,100s ” and Robin Hanson’s M.G., and Noble’s M.G. representatives of the 750 brigade, Lord Austin’s Austin being absent on account of Driscoll’s mishap at the Bristol Hillclimb.

Pane got the Frazer-Nash going very . fast, cutting right out each lap for thebig bump. But it was evident that Major Gardner was making extremely good use of his handicap and he ran home the winner at over 114 m.p.h. Parnell had commenced very well but engine trouble set in and in a high position on the Home Banking the M.G. obstructed Pane, who. finally passed below to run in second. J ticker experienced severe misfiring, and Bertram, driving an unfamiliar car with much nerve, brought Jackson’s Alta into a place—rumour has it that he contemplates some road-racing with this marque.

Gardner varied considerably in hisposition on the bankings.

RESULT 1. Major A. T. G. Gardner c.c.

1. Major A. T. G. Gardner (1,087 c.c. M.G., S.), Om. 16s.

2. A. F. P. Fano (1,496 c.c. Frazer-Nash, S.), scratch.

3. 0. Bertram (1,496 c.c. Alta, S.), scratch. Won at 114.27 m.p.h. by 111 see. 19 sec. between, 2nd and 3rd.

Second August Long Handicap (about nine miles)

Dunham’s Alvis, Follett’s Alvis and Fleming’s M.G. were non-starters. The limit Hermon led for a considerable time, but was swamped on the last lap, by Kelway’s Bugatti and Leitch’s sister car. Marker was on scratch with the big Bentley, which now had discs on its rear

wheels, and he once passed between Maclean’s M.G. and a Bugatti and came through right on the outside and thundered down the Railway Straight close to the fencing—to no avail.

RESULT 1. C. lm. 29s.

1. A. C. Xelway (11-litre Bugatti), lm. 29s.

2. A. M. Leitch (14-litre Bugatti), 29s.

3. F. W. Oxley (14-litre Hermon), lm. 49s. Won at 93.21 m.p.h. by 114 sec. 19 sec. between 2nd and 3rd.

Third August Mountain Handicap (about six miles)

A considerable number of non-starters reduced the field, while Kelway’s Bugatti was put back from the seventeen-second mark to thirteen seconds. K. Wharton led away with a cut-down Austin Seven, but Oxley got the Hermon ahead and kept there until Clayton on the scratch Amilcar Six and Mrs. Roy Eccles on the blown Rapier-Special came through.


1. H. T. H. Clayton (1,097 c.c. AmRear, 8.), scratch. 2. Mrs. R. H. Eccles (1,084 c.c. Rapler-Special,

.)i scratch.

3. F. W. Oxley (11-litre Hermon), Om. 20s. Won at 65.21 m.p.h. by 4 sec. 4f sec. between 2nd and 3rd.

Match Race over Nine Miles

Bertram took over Marker’s big singleplace Bentley. He and Cobb, who was

driving the modified ex-land-speedrecord 4-litre Sunbeam, first paraded in the Finishing Straight, Bertram still smoking his cigarette as he ran out to warm up the big engine. Bertram led throughout, after nine seconds’ start, very high up the bankings, until right at the end when Cobb closed on him and he hauled the Bentley down to allow the Sunbeam to win by a bare half-length. Cobb’s average was 125.61 m.p.h. and he wins ,100. It is evident that Bertram must have had his mount at its maximum lap speed of 129-180 m.p.h. throughout and one would have expected the Sunbeam to be faster and to pass on the Railway Straight, which lends credit to Bertram’s sporting action in instantly giving way to Cobb.

Fourth August Mountain Handicap (about six miles)

H. G. Dobbs (Riley I), J. H. Bartlett (Alta), L. P. Driscoll (Austin), R. Hanson (M.G.), and Ashton-Rigby (M.G.) were non-starters, the last-named because he arrived late at the paddock gate. Oats (Maserati) and Hadley (Austin) were both put back from twenty-nine seconds to twenty-six seconds. Mrs. Petre’s Riley was not on form, and Burton was disappointingly slow with the double-wipe Bugatti. Scribbans, on virtual scratch with

the white 1i-litre E.R.A., which had twin rear covers, made an immense effort, but Wakefield had learnt his lesson and the Alta came in first, followed by Leitch’s 2.8-litre Bugatti and the U.R.A.


1. 3. P. Wakefield (11-11tre Alta, S.), Om. 18s.

2. A. M. Leitch (2.3-litre Butattl, S.), Om. 26s.

3. D. H. Scribbans (14-litre L.R.A., S.), thn. 8s. Won at 74.42 m.p.h. by 114 sec. 124 sec. between 2nd and 3rd. An innovation was the dispensation of plaques to the place-men, to be hung over the paddock stalls. The Eccles’ combination had a nice array, likewise M.G. as a maque. As Bertram could not attempt the lap record the new Jumping Giro was taxied to the Fork and asked to deputise. At first the 50 h.p. Weir motor did not seem able to revolve

both propeller and rotors. It stalled and a mechanic wound it up the wrong way, whereupon it really sulked until someone opened its bonnet and talked sternly to it. Then things began to happen and over telegraph wires and Fork grandstand the Giro took to the sky. We confess to not seeing its great hop, though we thought that our eyes never wandered I Spectators became somewhat apprehensive of where this queer flying-machine would settle, so we found the Austin and went off to tea.