

Sir,—May I say “en passant,” that I am in perfect agreement with Mr. W. Boddy, who thrills to the spectacle of a “big-‘un” hurtling round the outer circuit of our own Brooklands. The patronising, sympathetic glances that are bestowed upon our old friends, he Bentleys, as they gamely strive to maintain the leadership handicapping has provided them with, make one’s blood boil. If only these ” moderately interested ” people would realise that the good old warriors have been constantly travel ling around the hundred park for five

years and more, whereas the baby ” buzzbox,” wonderful little machine though it is, gives up the ghost after a couple of season’s really hard work. Furthermore, from an aspect of sheer, flat-out speed, it is significant that with a race like the “600,” the speeds are now much lower than in the days of ” Tim ” Birkin, Clive Dunfee, ” Sammy ” Davis, and the rest of the ” Bentley boys.” Are their deeds at Le Mans to go un

sung, or rather, unrecognised, because I am sure that we of the sport have never failed to spread the ” glory that was England’s ” among the uninitiated.

The point is, however, have we met with success ? I think not.

What does the lay man know of Le Mans and the long, green, bonnets? Precious little, I am afraid.

What can be done, then, to ensure that cars such as these go down to posterity as the ” greatest cars in the world ? “

Let us .do something, please, so that those ” patronising, sympathetic glances,” are changed to looks of awed reverence. I am, yours, etc.,

WILLIAM RUMBLE. ” Sillwood,” Alfred Road,

Kingston, Surrey.