

Sir,—We should like, through the courtesy of your columns, to warn M.G. owners against an individual who is apparently going about the country claiming to be one of our Testers, and offering to obtain spare parts for M.G. cars at a cheaper rate than getting them through normal channels. If the victim becomes at all interested in any particular parts he then, a day or two later, receives a wire stating that the parts are ready, and asking for the money to be wired to a Poste Restante address

in London. The address he gives in Abingdon, in an attempt to establish his bona fides, is a bogus one.

According to the information we have received, this particular man speaks with a pronounced Scotch’ accent, has red hair, and has one or two front teeth missing. Hoping this information will be the means of preventing any other owners being victimised, I am, Yours, etc., emu., KIMBER, Director & General Manager, The M.G. Car Company,
