

Soon after John Cobb and his NapierRailton returned to England from Utah, Ab Jenkins went out to see what he could do about regaining some of his lost records. He drove a Duesenburg ” Union Special,” and the first record to fall was the coveted World’s One Flour, which he took at 152.145 m.p.h. He followed this up with the 200 miles and 500 kilometres, but then a bearing ran on the Duesenberg and he had to stop. Official confirmation has not been received of the records at the time of writing, but here are the figures claimed 1 hour 152,145 m.p.h. (Napier-Railton 152,116 m.p.h.) 200 tulles 161.721 m.p.h. (Napler-Railton 14(1.50 m.p.h.) 500 kms. 151.310 m.p.h. (Napler-Railton 140.80 m.p.h.)

The confirmation sheets have now been received of previous records by Jenkins, made on June 30.

Class “B ” Records.

5 kms. 141.56 m.p.h. (Panhard 139.84 m.p.h.) 5 miles 140.96 m.p.h. (Panhard 138.78 m.p.h.) 10 Ions. 140.72 m.p.h. (Panhard 138.05 m.p.h.) 10 miles 142.-13 m.p.h. (Leyland-Thomas 125.03 50 Ions. 135.58 m.p.h. (Panhard 133.64 m.p.h.) 50 MHOS 137.94 m.p.h. (Panhard 134.62 m.p.h.) 100 Ions. 138.94 m.p.h. (Panhard 134.73 m.p.h.) Two days later Jenkins tried again, still with the Due.senbUrg Special. This time he improved on four of the above records, anti made three new Class B records which also ranked as World’s Records. Here are the official figures :

World’s Records.


100 inlks 142.69 m.p.h. (Auto-T.711i011 134.76 m.p.h.) 200 kms. 143.27 m.p.h. (Auto-Irnion 134.59 m.p.h.) 1 hour 143.13 m.p.h. (Auto-Union 134.90 m.p.h.) Otos “B” Records. 10 miles 146.26 m.p.h. (Duesenberg 142.13 in.P.h.) 50 kms. 137.54 m.p.h. (Duesenberg 135.58 m.p.h.) 50 miles 140.18 m.p.h. (fluesenberg 137.04 m.p.h.) 100 knts. 111.11 m,p.h. (DI:Nurnberg 138.91 m.p.h.) 100 miles 112.69 m.p.h. (Panhard 132,98 m.p.h.) 200 Inns. 143.27 m.p.h. (Panhard 133.04 m.p.h.) 1 hour 143A3 m.p.h. (Panhard 133.01 m.p.h.)