Continental Notes andNews, September 1935


Confinenta Notez andi News

The G.P. of Lorraine Owing to pressure on our space we

pressure on our space we were unable to include full accounts of the Grand Prix races of Lorraine and Frontieres in our last issue. Below we give a summary of the proceedings at these two events. The Frontieres race took place on the Chimay circuit, on June 9. Thirteen cars came to the starting line, and the race was as usual run in classes. Among them were two British drivers, Richard Seaman with his E.R.A. and Cho’monde/ey-Tapper on a 14-litre Bugatti. Hartmann ,(Maserati) led off the mark, but Seaman caught him on the first lap, only to retire on the following circuit. The Hungarian now led once more, but he was soon passed by the German Bugatti driver, Steinweg, who thereafter was not dial

len ged Hartmann lost second place through having to stop for fuel right at the end,: and both Veyron and Mine. !tier roared past the pits before he got going again. Cholmondeley-Tapper retired.


2,000 c.c. Class. 1. 1 11. 43 m. 30 sees.

1. Steinweg (Bugatti), 1 11. 43 m. 30 sees. 125.908 k.p.h. 2. Veyron (Bugatti), 1 h. 46 in. 10,4 sees,

3. Able. Itier (Bugatti), 1 h. 49 m. 21.4 sees.

4. Borowski (Bugatti), 1 h. 55 in. 62 secs. Also Ran : Sojka (Bugatti), Schmidt (Bugatti), Seaman (E.R.A.), Ireviier (Bugattf), CholmondeleyTapper (Bugatti),

Tapper (Bugatti), Unlimited Class. 1 h. 51

1. Hartmann (Maserati), 1 h. 51 m. 32.4 secs.

2. Matozza (Alfa-Romeo), 2 h. 3 m. 24 sees. Also Ran : Legat (Bugatti). The Lorraine Meeting, held on the Seichamps circuit, consisted of touring car races as well as the 3-hour Grand Prix. The course is just outside Nancy, and is

64-ki1ornetres in length. The first production car race was limited to 1,100 c.c. and 1,500 c.c. cars, running in two classes. The result was an easy victory for some French-built Balilla Fiats, which were much too good for the opposition. Then the heavy metal took the field, cars of 2, 3 and 5 litres. From start to finish this race was a great duel between Schell (Delahaye) and Descollas (4.9 Bugatti), victory going to the former by a margin of 200 yards after 14 hours.

RESULTS. 1,100 c.c. RACE (1* hours).

1. Gordini (Fiat), 130 Iran. 411 (86.040 k.p.h.); 2. Mine. Hier (Fiat), 127 k.m. 071 ; 3. Barret (Flat), 123 k.m. 608; 4. Savoye (Singer) 120 k.m. 665; 6. Lapchin (Singer), 117 k.m. 113.

Also Ran : Nebout (M.G.) and Mille. Roux (Fiat).

1,500 c.c. RACE (11 hours).

1. Simile.] (Rally-Samson), 102 k.m. 080 (68.453 k.p.h.).

Also Ran : Res (Singer). By HAROLD NOCKOLDS

5,000 c.c. CLASS (11 hours).

I. Schell (Delahaye), 144 k.m. 897 (90.528 k.p.h.) ; 2. Deswilas (Bugatti), 144 700; 3 .Mme. Ronan (Delahaye) ; 4. Girod (Delahaye), 121 k.m. 242.

Also Ran : Mile. Lamberjack (Ford) and Grandvarlet (Delahaye). There were 16 starters in the Grand Prix, among them Dudley Fray on his 4.9 Bugatti, Cliolmondeley-Tapper and Miss Ellison on 14-1itre Bugattis. From the start a terrific scrap was waged between Wimille (Bugatti) and Chiron (AlfaRomeo). The former led for four laps, but then the Ferrari assumed command, holding it for the rest of the race. There was a universal dislike of the chicanes used on the circuit, some of which were

placed on curves. Chiron had a nasty moment once or twice, and Wimille did a terrific the-is-queue on one occasion. Both Chiron and Wimille had to stop for brake adjustment, and the latter lost second place for a short time to the second Ferrari driver, Comotti. He regained it before the end, however.

Of the British drivers, Fray retired and Cholmondeley-Tapper and Miss Ellison finished 11th and 12th. The former would have been sixth had he not run out of petrol and been forced to push his car to the pits.

After the race Fevrier (2.3 Bugatti) lodged a protest against Sommer (AlfaRomeo) on the grounds that the latter had had a push-start from the pits, instead of using the starting-handle. Sommer was fined 500 francs, although Fevrier pressed for his disqualification.

2,000 c.c. CLASS (1* hours).

1. Arnould (I tilgatti), 129 k.m. 036 (86.004 k.p.h.); 2. Polledry (Aila-Itzrzneo), 125 k.m. 973; 3. Pousset (Citroen), 125 k.m. 223; 4. Merkel (Citroen), 123 k.m. 841.

3,000 c.c. CLASS (1* hours). 1. Meativier (Minicar), 135 k.m. 069 (90,046 k.p.h.)

(3.P. de LORRAINE. General Classification (3 hours). 325

1. Chiron (Alla-Romeo 3,650), 325 k.m. 503 (108.500 k.p.h.); 2. Wimille (Bugatti 3,300), 020 k.m. 900; 3. Cornotti (Alta-Romeo 3,650), 315 k.m. 462; 4. Lehoux (Maserati 3,000), 308 k.m. 265; 5. Sommer (A1N-Romeo 3,250), 300 k.m. 254; 6. Ralph (Alfa. Romeo 2,900), 298 k.m. 069; 7. Fevrier (Bugatti 2,300), 290 k.m. 405; 8. Delorme (Bugatti 2,300), 278 k.m. 550; 9. Veyron (Bugatti 1,500), 267 k.m. 602; 10. Montier (Ford 3,640), 261 k.m. 286; 11. Cbolmondeley-Tapper (Bugattl 1,500), 256 kin. 459; 12. Miss Ellison (Bugatti 1,500), 199 k.m. 100,

Also Ran : Chainbost (Maserati 3,000), Girod /Salmon 1,500), Mestivier (Amilcar 1,100), Froy (Thigattl 4,900).

The Deciding Race

It looks as though the Italian Grand Prix at Monza on September 8 will be the greatest race of a wonderful season. The Italians are straining every nerve to win their national Grand Prix, and the Germans are equally determined to wipe out their defeat at Nurburg Ring. The Merades-Benz seem to be in perfect form, as witness their victory at Bern, and will start favourites for the race. Four cars have been entered, to be driven by Caracciola, Fagioli, von Brauchitsch and Lang. Auto-Unions have also entered

four cars, to be handled by Stuck, Varzi, Rosemeyer and Pietsch. Four Maseratis have been entered by the Scuderia Subalpina, with Etancelin, Zehender, Farina, Ghersi or Siena as

drivers. Some of the cars will be the new V-8s, probably those of Etancelin and Zehender.

Two Bugattis are also listed, with engines of ‘ about 4-litres.” These will be the type which Benoist drove in the French G.P. It looked a good car, then, and I hope Wimille and Taruffi will receive their mounts in good time from Molsheim.

That completes the entry list at the time of writing, but the Scuderia Ferrari entries are no doubt on the way. Nuvolari has been trying the new 4-litre 8-cylinder engine at Monza, and it is this car which will probably defend the Alfa colours on September 8. At Mont1h6ry it performed admirably, and with strengthened transmission it will no doubt give the Germans a good run. The new 12-cylinder engine is not yet “

an point,” although there is an outside chance that it may be raced at Monza. At the moment I am told that it is suffering from carburation troubles, always a difficult point with a new power unit. It is just possible that the 12-cylinder car may be held back for next season.

Trossi’s New Car

I have just seen a photograph of Trossi’s new car, which may be entered for the Italian Grand Prix, in which case it would be the dark horse of the race.

It is about the most nose-heavy thing on four-wheels I have ever seen. Right forward, in front of the front wheels, is a 16-cylinder radial engine, heavily finned, with the exhaust manifold leading to a ring in front, from which two main pipes lead the gasses beneath the car to the rear. The engine is air-cooled. In the centre of the circle of exhaust manifold protudes the starting handle driving shaft.

The driver’s cockpit is placed in a slightly forward position, and the rest of the car tapers down to an insignificant tail.

Mechanical details of the construction of the car are being closely guarded. I am given to understand that the engine turns over at 6,000 r.p.m., that the system of front wheel drive is entirely new, that Trossi hopes to have a maximum speed of over 185 m.p.h. at his disposal, and that the supercharger is identical with that used on aero-engines.

The car has been designed by an engineer mimed Monaco, and the coachwork by Count Revelli. The body is made in such a way that whole pieces of it can be detached, thus giving easy access to the ” works.” The complete body weighs only half the amount of the Auto-Union coachwork.

Auto-Union Plans

I understand that the Auto-Union people are determined to finish off the season in good style. So far they have only won one race, the Tunis G.P. in which Varzi heat a rather feeble opposition.

Since the debacle of the French G.P. the cars have been considerably improved. They now develop round about 450 h.p. with a 6-litre engine, and have more powerful brakes. The road holding has been improved by using torsion-bars at the rear as well as in front.

The programme of races announced is as follows :-September 1, Fribourg hillclimb and Stelvio hill-climb ; September 8, G.P. of Italy at Monza ; September 22, G.P. of Spain at San Sebastian ; September 29, Circuit of Masaryk ; October 5, G.P. of England at Donington.

All these are of course subject to satisfactory arrangements being made. I am very sceptical of their competing at Donington, several of the drivers have said that they are coming over, but the final decision rests with Walb and Porsche.

It is the old story of money. Foreign teams will not pay their own expenses so that organisers can reap the full benefit of having them in their race. But the organisers forget that they will not get the crowd without the right cars.

Rosemeyer’s Career

The most remarkable driving progress of the season has been made by Bernd Rosemeyer, the young Auto-Union driver.

Rosemeyer recently gave an interesting interview to the foreign press, containing the following details of his career.

It appears that he manifested a keen interest in automobiles from a very early age. His father owned a garage in a small town near Bad Ems, and in the yard of this garage Bernd used to crawl about when he was an infant, watching the mechanics dismantling, repairing and assembling cars.

Day by day there grew in him the desire to hold a steering wheel in his hands. He used to study every movement of his father when they drove anywhere, and kept up a systematic plea to be allowed to drive. At last his weary father allowed him to sit in the driving seat, but nine-year-old legs do not reach the pedals ! One of the mechanics soon put this right by fixing blocks of wood on the pedals, and in a few days young Bernd was driving his proud father along the

promenade. Ilowever, they had to be careful that no one was about, for he was much too young to obtain his licence.

After years of hoarding his pocketmoney he was able to subscribe, with school-friends, for a 200 c.c. D.K.W. motor-cycle, with which he quickly became proficient. He was 16 at that time. At 19 he purchased, not without having to overcome terrific difficulties, a bigger machine. In the following year he took part in many trials, gaining 10 prizes.

His first speed event was the Hohensyburg hill-climb, where he won his class by 4 minutes. From that moment his one ambition was to become a racing driver. Up to the year 1933 he took part in all sorts of races and hill-climbs, on a variety of motor-cycles.

In the Spring of 1934 he was invited to become a member of the Auto-Union motor-cycle team, driving a 500 c.c. D.K.W. He accepted, and was immediately successful. In the Autumn of that year he took part in the car trials at Nurburg Ring, and was afterwards admitted to the Auto-Union car team.

His debut in the Eifel race at Nurburg Ring, when he was narrowly beaten by Caracciola, is still fresh in our minds.

Germany has discovered a great driver.

Records at Montlhery

The French driver Raph, in company with Chinetti, Pesato and Bodoignet, attempted to beat. the World’s 48-hour record at Montlhery last month. The car was a 2.3-litre Alfa-Romeo, prepared by Chinetti, who took the first turn at the wheel. 118 miles were covered in the first hour, and the same average was maintained in the next.

Drivers were changed every two hours, and Raph was the next to take a trick. The refuelling stop had taken longer than was anticipated, and another stop for a wheel put the average down to 114 m.p.h. Raph got it up to 115 m.p.h. by the end of his spell. Then Pesato took over, and after 5 hours 55 minutes 53.35 seconds the first class “D” record fell, the 1,000 kilometres previously held by Lewis and Hindmarsh on a Talbot.

When Pesato pulled up at the end cf six hours the record for that distance had also been beaten, the previous best being made by the Talbot. A stop of 6 minutes during the seventh hour lowered the average a little, but shortly before the end of the eighth hour the third record was taken, that for 1,000 miles, held since 1926 by a 3-litre Bentley driven by Barnato, Benjalield and Clement.

Less than a minute short of eleven hours running brought the fourth record, the 2,000 kilometres also held by the Bentley, and finally the 12 hours held by the same car was also beaten.

Three-quarters of an hour later, at 3 o’clock in the morning, a piston broke and the attempt had to be abandoned. Still, five records were in the bag, and they have since been officially confirmed : 1,000 Ions. 114.28 m.p.h. (Talbot 104.70 m.p.h. 1,000 miles 112.95 m.p.h. (Bentley 101.56 m.p.h. 2,000 kms. 113.10 m.p.h. (Bentley 100.23 m.p.h. 6 hours 113.94 m.p.h. (Talbot 104.77 m.p.h.) 12 hours 112.47 m.p.h. (Bentley 100.96 m.p.h.) Cesar Marchand’s latest long-distance run lasted for a week. His car was, as usual, a Citroen specially prepared by himself on behalf of the Yacco Oil Com pany. This time the engine size was 2,650 c.c. and the car was called Rosalie

VIII. The lapping of Montlhery was carried on day and night without a hitch, and in the course of the run eight world’s records and eleven class ” D” records were beaten. Here is the full list, which has received official confirmation :

World’s Records.

10,000 miles 89.71 m.p.h. (Voisin 85.85 m.p.h.) 15,000 Ions. 89.93 m.p.h. (Voisin 88.03 m.p.h.) 20,000 kms. 87.77 m.p.h. (Voisin 85.08 m.p.h.) 3 days 90.43 m.p.h. (Voisin 88.54 m.p.h.) 4 days 89.97 m.p.h. (Voisin 89.35 m.p.h.) 5 days 89.69 m.p.h. (Voisin 85.83 m.p.h.) 6 days 87.83 m.p.h. (Voisin 85 m.p.h.) 7 days 88.49 m.p.h. (Voisin 85.94 m.p.h.)

International Class “

5,000 miles 90.63 m.p.h. (Citroen 81.78 m.p.h.) 10,000 Ions. 90.48 m.p.h. (Citroen 81.02 m.p.h.) 10,000 miles 89.71 m.p.h. (Citroen 81.88 m.p.h.) 16,000 Ions. 89.93 m.p.h. (Citroen 81.87 20,000 Ions. 87.77 m.p.h. (Citroen 81.97 m.p.h. 2 days 90.58 m.p.h. (Citroen 81.31 m.p.h.) 3 days 90.43 m.p.h. (Citroen 81.18 m.p.h.) 4 days 89.97 m.p.h. (Citroen 81.67 m.p.h.) 5 days 89.69 m.p.h. (Citroen 81.88 m.p.h.) 6 days 87.83 m.p.h. (Citroen 81.89 m.p.h.) 7 days 86.49 m.p.h. (Citroen 81.29 m.p.h.)

Italian Organisation

The organising of Italian races is usually quite good, but the Pescara race was marked by incredible confusion. Everyone seemed to be in a panic before the

start. As a friend of mine described it : ” Even when I thought I had lost my passport and would be arrested, I was still the calmest man there ! “

Seaman’s victory in the Junior Race was so unexpected that the gramophone record of the British Anthem they played at the end got stuck in a groove-it was so old. And no one made a move to take it off until at least a painful minute of ” grump-grump-grump-grump ” had gone by.

Rosemeyer was lucky to get away with his skid on the second lap. His delay was stated to be due to a burst tyre, but this was actually caused by contact with a bank, which also dented the tail of the car.

The course was not in such good condition as last year. The really fast straight down from the hills to the sea was in fine condition, but the straight along by the sea was not at all good. The Moll Memorial ceremony was

deeply impressive. The Ferrari people were in great distress, particularly Varzi, who was a team-mate of the dead driver last year. As for his ex-mechanic, the poor fellow was completely overcome, and staggered away in tears in the middle of the ceremony.

Moll’s accident must have been the most appalling affair in racing history. He was travelling at over 150 m.p.h. at the time, and the car leaped clean over a house as it bounced along, finishing up in a little square some distance from the road.

Varzi at Monza

Talking of Varzi reminds me that there is every possibility that we shall see Achille back at the wheel of a Maserati next year. He is far from satisfied with the handling of the Auto-Union.

Last month he went down to Monza and had a trial run on the new 8-cylinder Maserati, with the Vee 4.3-litre engine and independent springing. The brothers Bindo and Ernesti Maserati were present, and a group of experts including Luigi Della Chiesa, Pietro Dusio, Georgio Ambrosini and Siena. Varzi’s two brothers Angelo and Anacleto, were also there.

He covered 15 laps of last year’s G.P. circuit, and was particularly impressed by the acceleration and braking, road holding and springing of the new Maserati, and gave the Maserati brothers his opinion on a few minor points which he thought might be improved.

France Expects . .

Bugatti is in what is known as a “tough spot.” The A.C.F. has announced that they will not hold the French Grand Prix next year unless the French Auto

mobile industry is represented. This is as much as to say that Bugatti has got to compete, otherwise France will make an ignominious withdrawal from G.P. racing.

But racing is an expensive business, and Bugatti does not receive an iota of State assistance as Mercs and the others do. The National Subscription will probably save the situation, small as it is. But why don’t they give it to Ettore now, so that he can prepare his cars in good time

Shuttleworth at Nice

,-;huttleworth thoroughly impressed the foreigners at Nice. They paid particular attention to the fact that his Alfa was the fastest of the independent Alfa-Romeo. They do not appear to know that he has bored his engine out to 3.6-litres, while Sommer’s was only a 3.2 and Raph’s a 3-litre. The Ferrari Cars were ” three-twos.”

Chiron’s New Honour ” “

In the Paris ” Journal Officiel ” last month appeared the announcement that Louis Chiron has been made a chevalier of the Legion d’honneur. Congratulations from us all I

M.G. Successes Abroad

In the Penha hill-climb, near Lisbon, M.G.s and a Railton did well.

Results : Sorts: 1. J. M. Real (M.(1.) 57.091 k.p.h.; 2. Ribetro Ferreira (Raton) 56.160 k.p.h. Racing: 1. J. M. Real (MM.) 57.672 k.p.h. 2. Antonio Heredia (M.G.) 57.301 k.p.h.

Lehoux Wins Hill-Climb

The hill-climb Of Eymontiers was won by Marcel Lehoux, with his 3-litre Maserall. The proceedings were marred by an accident to petite little Anne flier, who crashed with her Bugatti. The car turned right round and skidded into a telegraph pole. Then it bounced off into the ditch. Mme. ltier escaped with bruises and a


RESULTS. Sports : 750 c.c.-1. Barroid (Salmson) 3m.

Sports : 750 c.c.-1. Barroid (Salmson) 3m. 20$.; 1,100 c.c.-1. Bills (Fiat) 2m. 45.6s. ; 1,500 04.1. 13arroid (Bugatti) 3m. 36.2s. ; 3,000 c.c.-1. Mlle. Lamberjack (Fiat) 2m. 55s. Racing : 750 c.c. unblown.-1. vithet (Daxmont) 3m. 10.4s. ; 1,100 c.c. unblown.-1. (1)armont) 2m. 41s. ; 1,100 c.c. blown.-1. Blot (Amilmr) 9m. 43.6s. ; 1,500 c.c.-Tie, Lobre (Bugatti) and Barowsky (Bugattl) 2rn. 28.48.; 2,000 c.c.-1. Vazille

(Bugatti) 2m. 35s.; 8,000 c.c.-1. Hartmann (Maserat ) 2in. 34.1s.; Over 3,000 c.c.-1. Lehoux (Maseru:0 2m. 18.6s., fastest titne of the day.

Round the Circuits

The Mont Ventoux hill-climb, due to take place on September 15, has been

abandoned. Entries have fallen off in recent years. * *

The G.P. of Spain will take place ca September 22 on the Lasarte Circuit et San Sebastian. 30 laps of 17 km. 315 Will be covered, 519 km. 450 in all. First prize 20,000 pesetos. The projected G.P. de Biarritz will not take place after all. An application was made to allow foreign drivers to compete in the race on September 1, thus giving the event the title ” international.” All the national clubs agreed to this except the Italian, who said that the proposed race would clash with their Stelvio hillclimb, in spite of the fact that the Biarritz race was to •take the place of the

abandoned Vichy G.P. It is hoped to hold the Biarritz race next year.

The Stelvio hill-climb takes place on September 1. The hill has been improved this year. All the corners are now surfaced with concrete and the length of the climb will be exactly 14 kms. The G.P. of Geneva is now certain to

take .place next year. The organisers have now received the sanction of the Government to held a sweepstake on the result of the race, and this will therefore defray the cost of preparing the road, etc. A big speed event has beer, arranged to take place at Braser, in Roumania, cn

September 1. The organisers hope to have a big entry, and say that they have been promised the appearance of a G.P. Mercedes-Benz racing car.

The usual rumour that the Monaco G.P. will not take place next year has just received its annual denial by M. N.ogh es.

The regulations for the Masarylc Circuit show that two races will be held.

The first will unite the cars in classes for over 8-litre, under 8-litre, 5-litre, 3litre and 2-litre cars, while Group two will include 1,500 c.c., 1,100 c.c., 750 c.c.

and 500 c.c. machines. The big cars will cover 17 laps (495 kms. 414), and the small ones 15 laps (437kms. 130).

Yet another Italian ” round the houses” race, the Coppa Sila, once a hill-climb, has been changed into a circuit race through the streets of Cosenza. The race will take place in October, with two heats and a final. Prize money 60,000 lira. There is a movement on foot to hold Grand Prix at Lugano next year. A motor-cycle race was held on a circuit outside the town last month, and this has put the idea into the heads of the local authorities to hold a G. P. race there

next year. The circuit would measure about 7 kms. but is too narrow in its present form for fast cars to pass.

The French driver Raph, who has had quite a successful reason with a 3-litre monosposto Alfa-Romeo fitted with De Ram shock absorbers, is trying to find a faster mount for next season. He is not the first person to come up against this difficulty, which may not exist next year if some of the rumours one hears are true. * The Marne G.P. will next year be confined to independent drivers, and will be run in two events, twer and tinder 1,500 c.c. The A.C. de Champagne has had

two disappointing years. In the first they gave too much prize money and crippled themselves that way, and this year they had difficulty in getting official teams 10 enter-and what is more, actually start.

British drivers should stand a good chance of success in these races, and might very well provide the winner of both events.