Club News, September 1935



SOUTHPORT M.C. In spite of a whole crop of difficulties, the ” Jubilee 75 ” race was a great success. It was really rather remarkable that the race took place at all. First of all the club premises were burgled and all the paraphernalia for marking the course,

flags, ropes, posts, etc., were removed. The replacement of this equipment in time for the race was no mean feat, but Secretary Paul was equal to the situation. The second snag • was caused by the vagaries of the weather, which completely altered the new course on the Ainsdale Reach, covering it with loose sand. The only remedy, and this a partial one, was

to reduce the length of the circuit to one mile, and the race was therefore run over 52 miles of this revised course. The corners were still very loose, however, and the cars sent up large showers

of sand. There were 14 starters out of 16 entries, And for a quarter of the race the lead was held by H. Tinker (Frazer-Nash), followed by H. K. P. Williams (M.G. Magnette) and Guy Warburton (Vauxhall). On handicap the scratch cars were drawing up well, notably R. M. W. Arbuthnot, who was handling his big Mercedes-Benz nicely on the turns, in spite of its weight. By half-time he had taken the lead, and

looked a certain winner. Unfortunately, gear-box trouble intervened, and he retired at the Southport turn.

In the end Williams was the winner, followed by Warburton and Gee.



1. H. K. P. Williams, M.G. Magnette (52 laps), Th. urn. 7s.

2. G. Warburton, 4,234 c.c. Vauxhall (52 laps), lb. 13m. 36s.

3. J. F. Gee, Riley Nine (51 laps), lb. 20m. 23s.

4. W. G. S. Wike (driver, C. Strang), Austin Seven (49 laps), 1h. 21m. 50s.

5. H. Hodgson, Riley Nine (51 laps), lb. 22m. 5s.

6. C. H. Fish, Austin Seven S. (51 laps) lb. 22m. 26s.


Nearly 20 events are listed for the Members’ Day, to be held at Brooklands on September 14th. The two high-speed trials of one hour each will no doubt attract a huge entry, and the speeds set to gain a premier award vary from 60.87 m.p.h. to 71.92 m.p.h. according to engine size. An innovation is the inclusion of two special classes in the speed trials for touring cars of popular make.

Finallya long programme of one-lap scratch races, two-lap handicaps and threelap scratch relays will be run off.

The Rally and Trial at Torquay, attracted nearly 200 competitors. London, Birmingham and Bournemouth were the starting controls, and competitors drove through the night, arriving at Exeter early on Saturday morning, July 27. Then the trial course was negotiated, a stiff route which was survived by the majority of the competitors. CLASS AWARDS, up to 637 10s. tax (The Mayor’s Trophy) : 1. M. H. Lawson (972 c.c. Singer) ; 2. F. Kindel! (847 c.c. M.G.). Up to 812 tax (” The Motor” Trophy): 1. J. R. H. Baker (14-litre Singer): 2. G. L. Boughton (1,-991 c.c. Triumph). Over 812 tax (” The Autocar ” Trophy) :

G. M. Denton (Ford V-8). Motorcycles and Threewheelers (The L. A. Baddeley Trophy) : G. W. Marston (Morgan).

Team Award: W. J. B. Richardson, M. H. Lawson and A. C. Westwood, all 972 c.c. Singers.

RALLY ROUTE PREMIER CLASS AWARDS: up to 27 10s. tax, W. E. C. Greenleaf (Morris Minor). Up to £12 tax, C. M. B. Kite (Wolseley Hornet).

MOWER AWARDS. Singer : R. M. Andrews ; A. T. K. Debenham ; J. Everett; J. F. Montgomery ; W. J. B. Richardson ; M. H. Lawson ; A. C. Westwood; A. G. Imhof ; D. A. W. Loader ; 111.. V. Firmin ; J. N. Trye ; H. M. Hutton ; N. W. Gibson ; A. B. Langley ;

M. G. Bithngham ; J. D. Barnes ; J. R. H. Baker ; A. H. Langley and E. T. Ingham. M.G. : II G. Symmonlr; K. S. Richardson; R. J. Iarter ; Lewis A. Welch ; C. W. Nash ; F. Kindel’; D. Clare ;J. H. Hibbett ; K. G. Moss ; D. G. Evans ; L. B. Dyball ; G. N. Mansell ; I. A. Bastock ; C. A. N. May ; J. H. Surrunerileld ; R. N. Reid ; J. P. E. Rawlings ; G. F. Horan; J. E. S. Jones ; C. B. K. Milnes and R.. M. Bookiess. Ford : Jack Harrison ; Major D. E. M. DouglasMorris ; G. A. Newenharn ; F. Allott; J. W. Whalley ;

G. M. Denton ; Hon. A. D. Chetwynd ; J. B. Thompson ; D. H. George ; 3.14. Lines ; C. A. H. Cann and W. R. K. Silcock.

Standard : A. J. Borkett.

Wolseley : C. H. Trent.

British Salmson : W. C. N. Norton and A. C. Hess. Fiat : Major C. J. S. Montague-Johnstone. Triumph : H. F. Burt ; C. F. Lock and G. L.


Austin : J. G. Orford and R. N. Richardson.

Frazer-Nash : It. E. Wright.

Riley : G. Dracup.

Bentley : F. E. Eigood.

Morgan • . G. W. Marston. Rally Route Premier Awards _.• W. E. C. Greenleaf

(Morris), E. H. Goodenough (M.G.), C. H. B. Rite (Wolseley).


A first-class entry for the Brighton Speed Trials on September 14 should be secured, for the Brighton Corporation has kindly offered the sum of .2100 for the fastest car time of the day. Last year the prize was £10. The annual Drewitt Trophy Trial attracted a small entry of 16, but was nevertheless an enjoyable event. Actually there were 33 starters, none of whom found any real difficulty in motoring round the circuit. •

After leaving the Wrotham filling station the competitors tackled Hognore, which being dry was only a shadow of its slippery self. South Street was divided into two sections, the first including a restart, which weeded the cars out a bit. Fastest time was made by H. E. Richards (blown P type M.G.) with a time of 4.36 seconds. The second section was difficult because the cars had to get away on a damp, leafy patch, which proved the undoing of several.

A brake test was held in order to decide ties, and in this G. H. Harrington was outstanding with his M.G. Magnette, clocking 7.8 seconds. Another Magnette, driven by E. R. Stafford, was second in 8 seconds dead. Harp Farm, as dry as bone, was quite easy, and the restart cn Coldharbour was ” won ” by R. T. Gardner (Frazer-Nash) in 17.8 seconds.

There only remained Allington, which caused no bother at all.


The Drewitt Trophy (for the competitor retaining the highest number of marks) : G. H. Harrington (M.G. Magnette). First-class Awards.* S. Seely (M.G. P-type) ; S. L. Chappell (Ford V-8) ; R.. T. Gardner (Frazer-Nash); Miss P. Blathwayt (M.G.

Magnette) ; C. L. Johnson (Hudson Terraplane) ; It. E. W. Stephens (Morris Minor); H. E. Richards (M.(3. P-type S.). Second-class Awards: B. R. Stafford (M.G. Magnette) : S. Jones (Morris Minor).


Usually regarded as a reasonably stiff trial, the Barnstaple Trial this year almost failed to live up to the name Trial at all. The hills were as dry as bone, and not once did the 70 miles course offer anything like real resistance to the 62 entrants. In a determined effort to ” rationalise ” trials the Mid-Surrey A.C. had banned cornpetition tyres and solid axles (otherwise than standard). Another departure from normal procedure, and one which has much to recommend it, was the abolition of the

night section. Instead, the competitors foregathered at Minehead.

Grabhurst was the first hill, and straight away the drivers found themselves confronted with a special test which sorted out the sheep from the goats. Restarting just before the left-hand hairpin the drivers had to climb as quickly as they could, stop on the steepest section and get away again immediately, and so continue to the summit.

This test was within the scope of everyone, but V. H. Tuson (Fiat) mistook the exact form of the test and roared round the hairpin without stopping. The Deciding Test was held on Doverhay, and gave a little trouble to those

unfamiliar with the hill. Two of the three hairpins were timed, and we noticed good performances by D. E. Harris (Singer Nine), K. G. Marsh (Triumph) and T.

Wagner (Morris Minor). Some of the big cars came to a standstill, but on the whole the proceedings were uneventful.

Edbrooke, Tarr Splash and Tarr Step were all quite easy, the first named especially so. Lyn Hill was only difficult if you took the bends too fast, and N. Millar (Singer) struck the bank a mighty clout. Five failures in all were recorded, mostly among the bigger stuff. Then came the ” Roost,” which has for so long struck terror into the hearts of many trials drivers. Dry as the rest of the hills, the famous Devon ascent was in benign mood, and allowed all and sundry

to pass over the crest in peace. Two lady drivers did extremely well here, Miss Wilby on a Frazer-Nash and Mrs. A. E. Moss (Singer).

Kipscombe was even easier, and that was the last hill.

RESULT. The Surbiton Challenge best perform

The Surbiton Challenge Cup_ (for best perform

ance) A. Maedermid (1.0.) ; Runner up : S. C. G. Fitt (Ford V-8). First-class Awards :-A.C. Cars : A. C. FaIrtiough ; J. Pig-Loschallas and W. P. Uglow. Fords : S. C. G. Fitt ;C. A. (nn; F. Allott and K. N. Hutchison. M.G.s .T. Dugdale ; fl. G. Evans ; A. P. Squire; F. H. Goodenough ; 3. E. S. Jones ; Miss E. V. Watson and R. A. Macciermid. Triumphs : K. G. Marsh ; Miss J. Richmond and G. L. Boughton. Singers : D. E. Harris ; C. V. Glass ; A. B. Langley and Mrs. Moss. Vauxhall : Guy Warburton,

Riley : H. V. Ripley. Fraser-Nashes: R. Gardner ; Miss Wilby ; J. H. Murray. Bentley : V. R. Symons.

Team Prise : Ford V-8s : S. C. G. Fitt, C. A. Cann and F. Allott.