
The booklet (price Is.) issued by the B.R.D.C. giving detailed results of the British Empire Trophy Race, makes ‘interesting reading. The fastest four consecutive laps were covered by Prince Leiningen (E.R.A.) in 8 minutes 53 seconds. H. W. Cook was second in 9 minutes 1 second, while Raymond Mays did 9 minutes 7 seconds. Other good times were those of A. H. L. Eccles (Bugatti) and H. Rose (Alfa-Romeo), 9 minutes 4 sec

onds, who made joint fastest time in class D. The fastest in other classes were as follows :—Class E, E. K. Rayson (Bugatti) 9 minutes •6 seconds, Class F, Prince Leiningen (E.R.A.) 8 minutes 53 seconds, Class G, P. G. Fairfield (E.R.A.) 9 minutes 20 secOnds, Class H, W. L. Handley (M.G.) 9 minutes 35 seconds.

Reducing Wear

When Duckhams, the manufacturers of Aero N.P. oils, first produced their upper

cylinder lubricant tablets, their tests were so startling that they asked the Institute of Automobile Engineers to confirm the results. The latter’s report showed a reduction in engine wear of over 34 per cent. with the use of Wear Cure Tablets, while one of the largest manufacturers reported, ” The wear was measured by loss of weight of piston-rings, and the reduction when Wear Cure Tablet were used (expressed as a percentage) was 35.9 per cent.”